Chapter 49

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A/N: All right you lot. Here is your chapter.



Parker jumped back a few feet and turned to look towards where he heard my voice. His heart was pounding hard in his chest as he watched me step from the shadows as well as pull the hood off of my face. He took in a deep breath, and I could smell the fear coming off of him. "C-C-Cassandra," he stuttered as if he had no idea why I was there.

I blinked and looked rather unimpressed. "Well?" I asked, taking another step forward. "Where are you going?" I narrowed my eyes at him when he opened his mouth. "And do not lie to me, Parker. I am not in the mood."

Parker bowed his head down and looked at his feet. His whole body was tense, and I could tell that he knew he was caught. "I was going to see Camen," he said, his voice soft. He flinched as I let out a ferocious growl, knowing full well that I was not pleased with him.

"Explain, now," I warned, trying to curb the anger and the hurt that I felt.

"I can't," he said, softly. "Not right now. I will later, I promise."

I studied him before grunting, knowing that he would tell me as soon as he could. "Follow me," I said, walking towards the place where we had set up a tent near the property. I paused and looked at him over my shoulder to see that he was still in the same spot. "Well?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you coming?"

Parker scowled. "What do you think "I can't" means, Cass?" he asked. "I am already late as it is, and I don't want Camen to know what I am doing. Please let me leave."

I was curious, but I knew better than to ask him right now. I had to get him wherever he needed to be, but I needed to see what he was doing and protect the pack that I had grown to love. "You said that you were already late, so you can be later," I replied. "Unless you don't want to show up in a few days, I would suggest you follow me."

Parker sighed and nodded his head, looking rather defeated. He followed me towards the tent and stopped when I stopped. "What are we doing?" he asked, watching as I moved my hand across the mechanical lock.

"Getting supplies," I said, listening to the soft ding as the door opened. "I mean, I want to know what you are doing, but you don't have time for me to ask questions."

"So?" he asked as he watched me push open the door. "What the hell is this place?"

"Base," I replied. "I will explain everything later when you explain everything to me as to what you are doing. For now, you are going to need some supplies." I walked in and was followed by Parker.

I noticed two other Guardsmen sitting at a computer and were playing a game. "Get out," I snapped, causing both of them to jump and look at me.

The oldest scowled and narrowed his eyes at me. "No," he said, causing me to roll my eyes. "Why should we? You don't belong here."

I raised an eyebrow. "I don't?" I asked, cocking my head. I slowly blinked. "Do you know who I am?"

The second member gulped, and his face paled. "Ummmm... are you her?" he asked, causing me to look at him. "The great Cassandra?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "I wouldn't count myself as "great"," I replied. "Cassandra, yes, so if you two can move out of here for a bit, that would be wonderful."

The second member nodded his head. "Yes, C-1-19-19," he said. He stood and pulled the other person up. "We'll be back soon," he said. "Are the other Alpha Beta's out there?"

"Probably," I replied. 'Don't come in. I need to do this alone.'

There were a couple of groans from my group, but I knew that they would not come in. They were rather upset, but I could really care less.

Parker furrowed his brows. "Other Alpha Beta's?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied, glancing at him. "I wasn't alone in watching you." I looked at the other two. "Now, go. See what you can do for them."

The second male nodded his head. He wrenched the other person out of the tent and locked the door behind him.

I watched them go before looking at Parker, turning off my earpiece and making sure that it was hard from the other Guardsmen to know what we were talking about. "Explain as much as you can while I find stuff," I said, turning my gaze to the desk. I walked over to the desk and began rummaging through it.

"I have been working with Camen, but it isn't for what you think," he said, speaking fast. "I want you to be with Xavier. I... might have shipped you with him the first time I saw you at that party."

I paused but started to continue again, my face turning slightly red. I found one of the things that I was looking for and switched it on to make sure that it was working.

The green light appeared the small camera that I found causing the computer screen to flicker and come to life.

"What are you doing?" Parker asked.

"Waiting for you to finish talking," I said, turning the camera off and putting it down on the desk. "Why did you ship us when you first met me?" I asked still searching for stuff.

"He told me what had happened," he admitted. "About how you were able to help him through those three days. His eyes were this light blue and filled with awe. It made me respect you, too, even though I had never met you."

I grunted and picked up a small black case. I opened it and stared at the contacts that were there. Carefully, I took them out and made sure that they worked by turning them on and looking at the computer screen.

"Camen called us to tell us that you were missing and had taken your cousins hostage," he said. He watched as I walked over to him and looked rather nervous. "That was when I started to work behind both of your backs."

"Open your eyes wide and hold still," I said. I placed the contacts in his eyes, making sure that he kept his head still while I did it. "What did you tell him?"

"I told him that you had crossed paths with us," he said. He jerked his head back as soon as I let go of him and blinked. "Why did you do that for?"

"So one of the guys will be able to watch you," I said. "Camen won't know." I moved back to the desk and turned on the other camera. I worked on the computer until both screens showed. "You are going to be my spy."

"Wait, what?" Parker asked, causing me to look at him unimpressed.

I shook my head and went back to what I was doing, trying to find a piece that would allow him to record whatever was being said at the meeting. "Whatever you did to make Xavier angry, I want to know later. From what I gathered, you want to help, but I think you had made a mistake." I stopped and narrowed my eyes at him as a thought occurred to me. "Did you tell him that I was seeing someone else?"

Parker hesitated but nodded his head. "I... might have slipped up and told him that you were seeing someone," he said, honestly. "I made sure that I didn't say who."

I set my jaw and nodded my head. "Tell him," I said, a plan forming in my mind.

"What? Why?" Parker asked, sounding rather shocked.

"Because if Camen wants to see a monster, then he will see a monster. I will be damned if something happens to Xavier when he is under my care."

Parker hesitated but nodded his head. "What if he wants to kill him?" he asked, softly. "He will try to get you back."

I sighed and closed my eyes. I knew that he would try to get me back, and I did not want to go back to him.

However, I was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that my family stays safe even if it means going back to the monster that betrayed me.

"Leave that to me," I replied, finding everything and quickly putting it on him. "For now, your duty is to make sure that you get information for me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now