Chapter 30 (Edited)

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A/N: So, I had this chapter 800 words and then was like nah, I am going to write more, so here is what I came up with. Enjoy.



After we had loaded everything and everyone into the van, we started our way to my uncle's cabin.

I was seated next to Xavier, curled up and with my head on his lap and with him caressing my hair. Behind me was Justin and Bryson, and behind him were the kids, both of them being in car seats. After that, it was Parker and Dr. Trent with Julian sprawled out on the last seat. Sergio was still driving with May next him, probably singing some old song until Sergio stopped her.

I was asleep for most of the way for the trip, only waking when I felt this... small tension in the air as we pulled into some spot. "Where are we?" I grunted, rubbing my eyes. I sat up and looked around to see that we were almost in a parking lot of a familiar rundown building that sold the best burgers. "Oh."

"Don't sound disappointed, Cass," Sergio said, looking at me through the mirror. There was this hard look in his eyes, and I knew that it wasn't directed at me. "He's been wanting to see you. Maybe even complete a couple of challenges while you are here."

I shook my head. "Not this time around," I said, causing Sergio to pout. "But, why is everyone tense?"

"They told me that a Hunter runs this place," Xavier said. "Is it true?"

I nodded my head. "His name is Bill, and he is good," I said. "He's mated to a Werewolf, and they have a daughter that is my age. Do they have any other children yet?" I asked, Sergio. "I know that they had been trying for a couple of years."

"They had twins four years ago," May said. "They are just so cute. I think you might be able to meet them today if not soon."

I nodded my head, staying silent. I turned to look at Xavier and saw that he looked rather stiff. I had a feeling that he had some run-ins with Hunters before, and I could tell that it had not been a pretty sight. I placed my hand in his, causing him to look at me with those blue orbs of his. "I trust him," I said, causing him to set his jaw. "He saved my life once." I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes as I thought about what had happened. "Well, he only got me out of a bit of a sticky situation that I found myself in before I took over." I shrugged. "He'll say that he saved my life, but it isn't true."

"Well..." Julian said, joining in the conversation. "If he didn't get you out of that thing, then you would still be there even to this day."

"I don't think it'd be to this day," Sergio said, pulling the van into a parking spot. "I mean, we would've had gotten her out eventually, or she could have sweet-talked her way out."

"That was like twice," I said, defending myself. "One of the times was with May because some bozo decided that it would be a good thing to hit on us."

"It was more than twice," May said. She turned towards me and winked. "But, we should do that more often. Do you remember how disgusted he looked when we kissed?"

I chuckled and nodded my head. "Yes, but he left us alone afterward."

"Which was a good thing because you flirting with her was kind of weird," Sergio said.

"You were the one that had wanted to come with me," I pointed out. "So, basically it is your fault."

Sergio shrugged his shoulder and smirked. "Come on, let's get in before Bill sends out a search party. He did that once with you and Simon, didn't he?"

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now