Chapter 2 (Edited)

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I took a sip of my coffee as I watched my cousins argue over which picture they should color first. My whole body was tense because the lady at the counter had given me a napkin that said 'run' written in lemon juice.

The door opened, causing the bell to ring. The whole place grew tense, and I was sure that it was because of whomever that walked in. People stopped talking and looked at the person that walked in before looking in the corner we my cousins and I sat.

TJ looked over my shoulder before looking at me. Fear and nerves filled his eyes, and I was sure that it was because of the person or people. "Are you sure that the Alpha is nice?" he actually whispered and not the loud whisper that he normally did. "Because he is actually here."

I pursed my lips and shrugged my shoulder. "We'll leave after you two are done eating," I said. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, warning me that someone was watching me. I couldn't help but silently curse my ex-mate because what he had done to me caused me to loose my Wolf or for my Wolf to stay silent. I knew that I still would be able to protect my cousins without her, but I wished for the second voice.

TJ looked at me, and I knew that he believed that the Alpha would kill innocent children and females. He didn't know what was true and what wasn't, and I didn't know how to console him.

"So, what picture did you two decide to color?" I asked, praying that I could get him to think of something else rather than the Alpha. I took a sip of my coffee and didn't look behind me, knowing that if I did then I might attack.

"I want to color the dog, but TJ wants to color the lion." Clara pouted her lips, and I knew that she was trying to get me on her side. "If we color the dog first, then we can do the king of the jungle."

"But, I don't want to do the dog. I am the oldest so I can choose." He stuck his tongue out at his sister, causing her to mimic him.

"Technically, I am the oldest, so I can choose. I choose the horse." The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I knew that the Alpha sat down behind me with another person with him.

"Well, you are adopted so you can't choose," TJ said, sticking his tongue at me. He blatantly ignored the other Alpha, which I was grateful for. TJ was still scared of the other Alpha, but he knew that I would protect him.

I raised an eyebrow. "Technically, I became your guardian, so if I want to stop an argument then I can choose."

"So?" they inquired.

"Do you want me to take the page away and not give them back until we get on the boat?"

They looked at the other because They knew that I would do that. And, if I did that, then the book would be more than likely done before they get it back. "No," they said in unison and shook their heads.

"We don't want you to finish the book," TJ said.

"Like the last two books," Clara added.

"We love you and all, but you can't color that good," TJ said.

I raised an eyebrow when one of the people behind me snorted. "Give me one of the pages."

They shook their heads, and Clara giggled.

A smile flickered on my face, because it had been a while since Clara had been this care free. I knew that it might only be for a while, because I knew that if Camen caught us, then he would surely do what he threatened to do.

TJ widened his eyes when he saw the small smile on my face, because he knew that this one was genuine. "Wait, is that a genuine smile?" he asked. He grabbed Clara's arm and grinned, jumping up and down in his seat. "Look, Clara, it isn't a forced one."

I rolled my eyes at my couns and shook my head. "You two drive me insane sometimes. Do you know that?"

"Yes," they replied in unison. They stared at each other and narrowed their eyes. "Jinx. You owe me a soda. No, you owe me one. No, I don't."

"Enough, the both of you," I scowled, causing them to shut up. "You both me a soda for all this pain you cause me." I rolled my eyes when they mock pouted. "Why do I put up with you two?"

"Because you love us," TJ said.

"And, you can't l-live without us," Clara added.

"And, who said that I couldn't?"

"Well, you did," TJ said, causing Clara to nod her head. "And, I heard you."

I took a sip of my coffee and pursed my lips when it was cold. "Are you finished with your food? We should be heading out."

"But you didn't finish yours. Did you even eat anything?" TJ asked, spying the food on my plate.

I forced a smile on my face. My stomach turned from the little that I had gotten down, and I prayed that I wouldn't throw it back up. "I am not hungry," I lied.

"And you aren't leaving," a deep male voice said from behind us. Powr filled his voice, and I knew that it was the Alpha. It was the same Alpha that was said to kill innocent Rogues just because he didn't like them. "So, I suggest you finish your meal."


I lifted my face to see ice, cold blue eyes staring into my gray ones. I could see a permanent scowl on his face, and I couldn't help but wonder what caused him to become so cold. I flicked my eyes to ground but that was the only respect I showed him. "I am not hungry, Alpha Xavier," I said. "Would you like to sit down? I can move over to my cousin's side of the booth."

The Alpha, Xavier grunted and gestured for me to move. He watched as I moved to the other side of the table before he and his Beta took a seat before us. "Why are you here, Rogue?"

"Eating food," I replied, gesturing towards the table with some scraps of food that weren't eaten. I ignored the jab that TJ delivered me, because what I was telling the truth. We were eating food.

Xavier growled and glared at me, his eyes flashing colder. "Are you being smart with me?" he asked. "I do not like people being a smart ass." He ignored the clearing of the throat that his Beta sent his way.

I shook my head, not fazed by his sudden burst of anger. I was used to Camen getting angry for no reason and beating the shit out of me, so I became numb to it. "You asked why I was here, Alpha, so I told you as to why I was here."

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now