Chapter 21

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"How do you know, Elder?" Julian asked, sounding rather defensive and breaking the stunned silence that had followed. He was about to take a protective step forward but stopped when Justin pulled him back. "That is private information."

"You're a Pure Alpha?" Parker asked. "On top of being a Guardsman? Fuck, I am screwed."

"Let's not forget that I haven't really been training," I said, glancing at him. I looked at Julian. "I... think his... brother is on the Council. You know, the nice one with the green eyes?"

Julian looked at him and then looked at me. He looked at the Elder again, frowning before looking at me. "There are like ten Council members with green eyes," he said.

"Yes, but only one nice one," Justin said. He looked at the Elder. "Are you brothers with Councilman Richardson?"

The Elder nodded his head. "I am, Your Highness." He looked at me, smiling. "He will be pleased to hear that you are safe. He has been worried about you."

I looked down, blushing and stayed silent. I was sort of happy that the Councilman had still cared about me and was surprised that he had talked to his brother about me.

His brother had been the only nice Councilman when I first met them all those years ago, and he had been the only one that had asked the Guardsman to take the collar and cuffs on me off.

However, I had begged to have them stay on because I was so scared of hurting someone if I had gotten angry at what was said about me.

I think that was why Commander had decided to take me under his wing and to become part of the Guardsmen.

"So, about the fighting, are we still doing it?" the Guardsmen, Zion I think was his name, asked, walking forward. "Because I wouldn't mind taking a stab at her." He smirked at me. "For old time sakes."

"Old times sake?" Parker asked.

"Zion, or Z-9-15-14 as you might hear us call him, and I were training buddies," I said. "For just about everything unless Commander paired me up with someone else. The last time I had faced him, we were supposed to do a course, and he cheated on it by throwing smoke bombs at the nomadic Shifter group the King was trying to set up an alliance with."

"And leaving you to face fifty Shifters, yes, I know. I am surprised you didn't kill any of them or badly injured them like I thought you would. But that was... years ago, and you don't look like you could do it again, so who else wants to go after her?"

Three protective growls filled the area as I felt this stinging in my heart, staying silent.

I grabbed Xavier's hand when I felt him move forward probably to hurt him. I stayed silent and shook my head when he looked at me with cold blue eyes filled with fury.

Zion furrowed his brows in confusion. "What? No smart ass comments? Not even a 'shut up, dickface'? Nothing? That is unlike you, Cassandra."

"Her ex-mate verbally abused her as well as physically abused her, Z-9-15-14," Dr. Trent said, pulling off his glasses and rubbing them on his shirt. "The spunky girl that you knew is gone, for now." He placed his glasses back on and looked at him.

Zion blinked and looked at me before looking at Dr. Trent. Confusion filled his eyes as he again looked at me before turning his gaze to him. "Is that why..?"

"She is here or that there was a warning call to the Guardsmen? Yes," he replied. "Hadn't you seen her when she came into the pack with her cousins?"

"No, Dr. Trent. I had been taking care of my children and had not been paying attention." He looked at Xavier. "My apologies, Alpha," he said.

Xavier set his jaw. "It is fine. Family first." His voice was cold and hard, and I could detect this jealousy in his tone that others didn't hear.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now