Chapter 63

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Two days had passed since the meeting with the "secret" group, and some of the plans that I had made had changed, most of them benefitting the packs that were involved.

After the meeting, I stayed in the tent and worked on other stuff, letting Charlie and the others watch Camen and the Soothsayer. The reason for that was because some of the other "species" were starting to get suspicious of me and watching to see if I did something that should be brought to Camen's attention.

I had no idea why the other species were helping him out, but I was sure that Camen was able to convince them that with him, or his group, as ruler, then they would be able to live in a new era where all Supernaturals were in charge and not in hiding.

What he didn't tell them was that they would be enslaved, too, and the Werewolves would be at the top.

That was their ultimate goal, and they would use descendants from the original Ten to do it. That information was gathered after May had placed the listening devices in their lair.

So, our goal now was to make sure that didn't happen. That meant we were going to have to find a way to get there and see who the main person was. May wasn't able to get a good look at them because they had made sure it was very dark, and our stuff couldn't work for some reason.

I had to figure out how to get it to work, and that did take a long time. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about Camen because he had made himself sparse, mainly dealing with the Soothsayer and trying to get information out of him.

The good thing was, Camen wasn't able to. However, that was bad for me because he started to beat me at any chance he got just because he didn't get anything out of him. This had lead May and Charlie to almost pull me out of there, but stopped when I ordered them not to.

They didn't agree with it, but they knew better than to go against my word. They knew I could "handle" it, but I was slowly starting to become insane with all the beatings that I had received from my ex-mate.

There were times when I just stared off into space listless and not focus on anything. Everything became distant as if it didn't matter anymore except for the pain, and I was slowly starting to lose track of the time.

Sometimes, it felt as if I was experiencing something outside of my body, and most of the times that was when Camen had sex with me. I was watching me from outside my body and slowly started to lose a sense of reality.

It had gotten to the point where Tito would risk his ass to check up on me during those two days until he finally gave me a shot of something that finally got me out of that place I was in.

And, currently, I was sleeping off that shot because it had boosted my strength for a little while before it simmered down and left me exhausted but more alert.

My dozing was cut short, unfortunately, when Camen stormed in and delivered a hard kick to my ribs, angrily.

Camen was scowling when he noticed my eyes on him, his dark brown eyes red with fury. "Get up," he snarled, kicking me in the ribs again. "Now."

I did what I was told to do, but I didn't get up fast enough for him because the next thing I knew, I was being pulled by my hair to wherever Camen wanted me to go. 'What happened?' I asked, sensing Charlie's panic.

'He knows something,' Charlie replied. 'The Soothsayer kept saying "Master" over and over again like 'Master wouldn't be pleased' or something like that.'

I didn't answer as Camen threw me in front of a wide-eyed Soothsayer. I stared at him with equally wide eyes, my concern growing for this bruised man.

"Is this piece of shit your master?" Camen asked, kicking me hard in the ribs. He watched as the Soothsayer wept, begging for mercy. Camen growled out again and kicked my ribs again. There was a sickening crack that filled the room and stinging pain as he broke the shirt and a rib.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now