Chapter 60

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I sunk my nails into his arm and stared at him hard, tapping into my powers. I watched as he submitted to me, my jaw set. "Are you ready?" I asked, my voice cold and authoritative.

"Yes, Alpha," he replied as I dug my nails deeper into his skin.

"You will obey and do whatever Camen tells you to do. Do you understand?"

Joel set his jaw, his face turning dark. "Yes, Alpha."

"You will not have to rape me when he orders you or do anything sexual. Do you understand?"

Relief flashed through Joel's eyes, and I could tell that he was happy I wouldn't let him do anything sexual to me. "Yes, Alpha," he said.

"You will not tell anyone that you are under my command unless I give you permission. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"You will act as if I am devoted and in love with Camen and not here for the main reasons that we both know I am here for unless I bring it up first. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"You will report anything that Camen does to me. You will do it in a timely fashion and not do it when he is there or close by. I will tell you when he is close. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"You will report any "secret" discussions or meetings that you have with Camen or others. You will give me the location so that I or someone else can gather information. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"You will let me do the protecting of Parker and yourself. Do you understand?"

Joel wanted to argue; I knew he did. He winced when I dug my nails deeper into his skin and bowed his head. "Yes, Alpha," he said, dissatisfaction in his voice.

"You will carry on as normal. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"You will treat me like shit in front of Camen and his cronies. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"You will obey me with anything that I say. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"Now, here is what I will be offering you. I will protect you and your mate at no cost with the help of my group. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"I will try to get you to see your mate whenever possible, but I will make no promises. Do you understand?"

Relief filled his eyes. "Yes, Alpha."

"I will make sure that your parents stay alive and well. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"I will release you from my commands as soon as Camen is dead. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha," Joel replied.

I nodded my head, feeling satisfied that Joel wouldn't disobey me. "Good, then we are done," I said. "Let this mark be a remembrance to you that you are under my command and nobody else's; not including the king. The king's power will always outrank mine, do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha," he replied.

I nodded my head again and dug my nails into his skin as I slowly let go of his arm. I was impressed when he didn't complain and watched as the wound healed quickly. "Alright, ready?" I asked, letting my power seize control and let him up.

"No, but I don't have a choice, do I?" Joel asked, inspecting his arm. "How..?"

I shrugged and grabbed the whip. "Don't know," I said, honestly. "I had been wondering the same thing ever since I learned that. Don't ask questions," I warned. "I have no idea what I can say and what I can't."

Joel nodded his head. He looked at the whip in my hands, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. He took it in his hands and looked at it before looking up at me. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice void of emotion.

I nodded my head and offered him a tight-lipped smile. "I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't," I said. I set the rope back on my wrist and tightened it. "Don't be afraid to cry," I said, softly. "I'll make sure that no one hears you."

Joel nodded his head and broke down sobbing. He went to my back and started to whip me as hard as Camen wanted which lead me to release an ear-splitting scream that could rupture eardrums as the end licked my skin.

Goddess, please protect Joel and don't let him have nightmares over this. He doesn't deserve them.


After about three hours later, Joel was finished hitting my back with the whip and left me bloodied and in pain on the floor. "Fucking bitch," he said, his voice quivering. He spat at the ground near my head before walking away.

I laid still, feeling gross and in pain. Goddess, that hurt so bad, and it felt like I couldn't do whatever I needed to do. 'Where's Camen?' I asked, weakly.

'In another female's tent,' Charlie replied. His voice shook with anger, and I knew that it took all of his self-control not to get me and bring me away from the hellhole I found myself in.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 'Of course, he is,' I muttered, dissatisfied. 'Is it safe?'

'Basically. Are you sure that you want to do this?'

I didn't reply as I sat up, hissing in pain. My body shook, and it felt as if I was about to throw up, but I didn't as I took off the rope and started to reach for the shirt that I was wearing.

'Cass?' Charlie asked.

'I'm sure,' I said, tiringly. I hissed and pulled the shirt off of my body, my muscles screaming before I collapsed with the shirt off.

Relief filled my body because I didn't feel the whip marks and was grateful that the prototype worked.

'It worked,' I said, relieved. 'Tell Sergio.'

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief, and I could tell that he relaxed. 'Good,' he said. 'Are you going to keep it like it is?'

'Yes,' I replied, setting the shirt down beside me. 'I am going to need to put it back on.' I picked up one of the sleeves and set the timer that would make it heal on its own. 'But, it won't be as bad as it was before this.'

Charlie didn't reply, and I could tell that he was doubting the shirt because it was still a prototype and hadn't been through multiple tests.

'I'll be fine,' I said. 'It's not like I haven't done something like this before,' I joked weakly. I moved a hand through my hair and sighed. 'The Soothsayer is here, right?'

'Correct, I sent his coordinates to you. I'll keep an eye on Camen and make sure that he doesn't come here or there.'

'Good,' I said, getting up. I let out a slow hiss as I stood because my body was still sore from the beating I had received. 'Is everything that I need in here?'

'Yes and out of sight from Camen. Get ready quickly, we don't have that much time.'

'I know, Charlie,' I said, rolling my eyes when he let out a soft chuckle. I started to search around the small tent, not leaving anything unturned as I found the tools of my trade. 'Just keep an eye on Camen and leave me alone. I know what I am doing.'

'I know,' he said. 'Good luck.'

'You too.' And with that, I stayed silent as I got ready and left the tent, making sure that I had a hologram of me crying on the floor by his bed.

Let's see what this Soothsayer had to say. Hopefully, he would tell me everything that I needed to know especially about the Ten.

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