Chapter 38

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A/N: Slight trigger warning for those that have been abused and have anxiety or suffer from something. Everything in ictalized ya'll can skip. I will put in another area that says a warning after the part that ya'll can read. If it's too much for you, don't read the ictalized. You don't need to to understand the next chapter.



Twisting and turning around, I was still awake and couldn't calm my restless mind. My whole body craved Xavier's comforting presence beside me, his comforting scent not enough to dull my mind.

Huffing, I turned onto my back and placed my feet on the bed. Taking my bunny, I placed him on my stomach and had him leaning back on my legs.

"Do you think I am being stupid?" I asked, staring at the rabbit. "Falling for him as fast as I did?"

Mr. Whiskers stayed silent. He didn't say a word and didn't do anything, and I had no why I thought I would.

"But, I did," I said, stroking my rabbit's head. "And, I am scared that I lost him. I want to tell him how I feel, but I am scared that I will be given the cold shoulder.

Sighing, I lifted my bunny until his ear was near my mouth. "Je pense que je l'aime," I whispered in its ear in French. "Je veux l'embrasser sur les lèvres, mais je pense qu'un baiser sur votre joue suffira."

Slowly, I closed my eyes and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before pulling away and opening my eyes and staring at my bunny.

"Bonne nuit," I whispered before I turned onto my side, clutched the bunny close to my chest, and welcomed the blissful unawareness as I fell fast asleep.


(A/N: Skip if need be because this is your last warning. Trigger warning.)

The smell of blood filled my nostrils as I stirred awake. The sound of a cell door opening filled my ears, causing this feeling of dread to appear in my stomach.

His scent filtered into my nose, causing me to open my eyes with a loud gasp and sit up.

He had found me.

His brown eyes were filled with hatred, and his lips were pursed with disgust as he studied me. "Hello, my little Pet," he said with such venom that it made my heart drop into my stomach. "Did you really think you could get away from me?" He walked closer to you. "Or, did you think that your precious Xavier could save you from me?"

Xavier? Xavier!

"This is a dream," I whispered, my voice shaking. "A nightmare."

Camen chuckled, coldly. "No, this is not a dream. Why would you think that?" He cocked his head and stalked towards me. His gaze was hard and cold, and he stared at me with no remorse for what he had done towards me.

I whimpered, all the strength that I had gained over the past couple of months, all the confidence that I had built up, disappeared overnight when I saw him standing over me.

I was not in control like I had been against the hallucination.

Cold sweat beaded on my forehead as I tried to keep myself from freaking out. I had to remind myself constantly that this was a nightmare, and that this wasn't real, but that didn't stop the fear.

Camen stopped right in front of my cowering body and tsked. "Such a weak link," he said, toying with the dagger. He placed the tip of it on my arm and pulled down, the smell of my blood thick in the air. "Such a very weak link. I should have just killed you when I had the chance."

I flinched away from him, causing him to backhand me. I was not in control as I fell to the ground, my face stinging.

"Do want me to slap you when you flinch?" he asked, walking over to me. "That was your fault, Cassandra Marie. Do hear me? That was your fault, not mine."

I didn't reply and closed my eyes. He can't hurt me, I thought. This isn't real. This is only a nightmare. But with each minute passing, that hope was dimming.

This wasn't a nightmare, this was real life. I had failed in getting away from him and finding someone that I could truly love.

Camen kicked me hard in the ribs, causing me to gasp out loud in pain. There was this sickening crunch sound, and I knew that he had broken some.

He didn't stop there. He picked me up and tossed me towards the silver bars of my prison cell, causing me to become a ragdoll as I slid down them.

"I am going to teach you again, my Little Pet, how you should behave," he said. He grinned wickedly, and any trace of humanity left his face as he stalked towards me.

Cowering, I pressed myself against the silver bars and placed my hands over my head to stop him from hitting my head like I knew he would do.

Camen wrenched my hands from where I had them, dislocating my arm in the process. Skillfully, he cut my shirt and pants as if they were like butter and left me in my underwear before tearing it off.

His brown eyes glowed as he noticed that I wasn't wearing a bra and placed his knife to my breast. He pushed down until blood started to perk its red head from his mark and slid the knife down until he reached my stomach, leaving a trail of destruction in his path.

"You know, this is the part where you scream for help," he said, tightening his hold on my wrists. He moved the knife into his other hand and started to unbuckle his pants. "Maybe they will come, or maybe they won't," he said. He laid on top of me, not caring that he was getting blood on his shirt.

"For now," he moved his mouth close to my ear, my pounding heart filling the silence between him, "you're mine."

And with that, I screamed as loud as I could as my world turned black from the pain that he caused me.

I screamed out loud and tried to wake myself up. I could feel him laying on top of me, ignoring the begs that left my lips.

I tried to claw at him, tried to shove him off, but he was too strong. He was too strong for me to handle.

"XAVIER!" I screamed, loudly, thrashing around. I could hear the sounds of someone yelling my name, telling me to wake up, but I couldn't as I felt Camen's mouth on, claiming me as his own.

"Cassandra, wake up!" someone yelled, trying to break me free from my reality. "Wake up, it's a bad dream!"

I wrenched my mouth away from Camen's. "Xavier help me!" I sobbed, tears streaming down my face as I tried to break free, trying to find some of the girl that I once knew.

"He's not going to help you now," Camen whispered in my ear. "He hates you." He caused me greater pain, causing my screams to become louder as I tried to break free from his grasp.

"Let me go!" I sobbed. "Please, I promise that I will be good. Please, I promise that I will behave."

"Cassandra! Wake up!" someone exclaimed.

Camen chuckled darkly. "It's too late, now," he whispered. "I-"

There was this sharp sting in my side, and my eyes opened as I gasped for breath as I tried to sit up.

Something was on top of me causing my heart to leap into my throat as I looked up expecting to see dark brown eyes only to see eyes of blue.


Je pense que je l'aime - I think that I love him

Je veux l'embrasser sur les lèvres, mais je pense qu'un baiser sur votre joue suffira. - I want to kiss him on the lips, but I think a kiss on your cheek will suffice.

Bonne nuit - Goodnight

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now