Chapter 5 (Edited)

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A/N: Stuff for different languages are under the chapter. Note: I used google translate.

"And, this is the kitchen," Parker said, concluding the tour of the places I was allowed to go, which were not that many. "This is where all of our food is prepped by the lovely Mrs. Cosette." He gestured to the female that was scowling at him. Parker grinned innocently, and I couldn't help but wonder what he did wrong.

Cossette wagged a spoon at him, sowling. A small smile was on her face, and I could tell that she didn't mean it. "Don't try to butter me up, Boy. I am still mad at you."

Parker placed a hand over his heart and blinked slowly, trying to give her puppy dog eyes. He cocked his head, giving her his best innocent look "But, Cossette," he said, pouting, causing the older female to scowl and mutter something under her breath. "I thought you loved me. You are always making me the most delicious food that I ever had."

Cossette groaned and shook her head. "Ay, Dios mío," she scowled, causing Parker to snicker. She glanced beside him and noticed us three. A warm smile appeared on her lips, and I could tell that I might be able to trust her. "Buenas tardes," she said, bowing her head in welcome. "¿Cómo estan?"

Parker glanced at us, frowning. Worry flickered through his eyes as he looked at Cossette, and I could tell that he was thinking we didn't know. "I don't think that they speak Spa-"

"Así así," I replied, interrupting Parker. I smiled when my cousins snickered. "¿Y tú? ¿Cómo estan, Señora?"

Cosette smirked and nodded her head. She gave Parker a smug look when I spoke Spanish, and I was sure that she knew that I could do it. "Muy bien," she replied, turning her gaze back towards us. "Gracias."

Parker furrowed his brows in confusion and studied me. He opened his mouth once before closing it. "How do you know Spanish?" he asked, finally. "I thou-"

"You thought wrong," I replied. I shrugged my shoulder and glanced at the door to see Xavier come into the kitchen and walk towards us. I nodded my head in acknowledgement before looking back at Parker. "I was homeschooled. They made me take a couple of different language classes," I said, not wanting to go into details about my schooling and how different it was from them.

Parker nodded his head and glanced at his friend. "Alpha," he said, bowing his head. "We have finished the tour of the places that they can go. Was there anything else you needed to tell her?"

"You will be working here," he said. "Whatever you eat will come out of your paycheck," he added. He glared at the two pack members, silencing them with a single look. He looked at me and pursed his lips. "Your cousins' food will not come out of your paycheck. They can eat whatever they want."

TJ scowled and folded his arms across his chest. He had seen what Camen had done to me, and I was sure that he really wanted to argue with the older male. He gave me a look, causing me to hiss in warming. His look had asked me if I had felt threatened by the fact that Xavier wasn't going to let me eat for free.

"Do you have anything to say, TJ?" Xavier asked, turning his gaze to my cousin. He raised an eyebrow when TJ lifted his jaw with pride and stubbornness. He was impressed by my cousin's "mock" confidence, but both of us could tell that he was nervous.

"Yes, Alpha," TJ said. He looked at me and ignored the scowl that I sent his way, knowing full well that I didn't like where he was going. He cleared his throat and looked at Xavier, still keeping his chin up with pride. "Our old Alpha had limited her food intake and caused her to loose not only weight but muscle mass, too. She... tries to hide it, but we can tell that she is struggling some days because she is so weak from hunger." He glanced at me again, his face an unreadable mask.

Anger filled Xavier's face when he looked at me. His blue eyes had this fire in them, and for some reason, I thought that they were beautiful. "Did he?" he asked, growling. His whole body was tense, and I could tell that he was trying not to shift. "Did he limit your food intake and make you this small?" He gestured towards my body size.

I looked down, not able to meet his gaze. A blush appeared on my face, and no matter what I tried, I couldn't stop it. "Yes," I whispered, my voice cracking. I cleared my throat and took a deep shuddering breath. "I know that you heard some stories about me, Alpha," I said, meeting his steely gaze. "The stories about the strong and defiant girl were true but..." I shrugged my shoulder and looked away.

"But..." Xavier all but growled out.

"They aren't any more." I looked at him, a tear falling from my eyes. "He broke the unbreakable."

"One meal a day," Xavier growled out. "You will not have to pay for it." And with that, he stormed out of the kitchen, slamming the door shut behind him.

Parker let out a soft whistle, breaking the tensed silence. "Damn," he said, looking after his best friend. "I didn't expect that response."

"You might want to go after him and make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid," Cosette said, glancing at Parker. "I can take them back to their room." She smiled wryly. "We don't want him to be attacked by Worbers. Goddess knows that they are always pissed."


  Ay, Dios mío- Oh Lord

Buenas tardes - Good Afternoon

 ¿Cómo estan? - How are you all?

  Así así - so so

 ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo estan, Señora?- And you? How are you, Ma'am?

Muy bien- Very good or very well

Gracias- thank you

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now