Chapter 74- Xavier

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"NO!" I heard someone, Cass perhaps, exclaimed before a flash of cream shoved me away and attacked someone that I couldn't see.

I grunted in shock when I fell on my side and twisted into the direction that I saw the flash of cream going pass, and my eyes widened in shock when I saw a cream-colored wolf, with a side of her head covered in black fur that matched my own, attacking a wolf that I assumed was Camen.

Beautiful... that was the word that I had to describe this dangerous force, attacking Camen like there was no tomorrow. Beautiful, strong, and dangerous.

A feeling of dread settled in the pit of my stomach while I watched her, and I had this inkling that something was off. There was something off about her, and it scared me.

However, I didn't do anything while she attacked him, and I had a feeling that everyone had stopped, on both sides, to watch these two fought.

Snarls and growls filled the air around us, and each yelp of pain resonated through me because I had no idea who was yelping and why.

I couldn't tell who was winning while they fought because of the blood, small bits of loose fur, and dust that covered the two of them, blocking them from view. I couldn't tell until there was one final cry of pain, and Cass lifted her head to howl in victory before she tore through Camen's lifeless body mercilessly.

I watched in pure fascination and shock while she took all of her anger out on him, my heart pounding in my chest at a fast pace. I couldn't blink, couldn't move while I watched, my heart yearning to take her in my arms, but I stayed put as if under some trance, some sort of spell that I didn't understand.

"Cassandra," a voice boomed, resonating through the forest, breaking the spell that had fallen on us. The king stood tall and proud while he watched her. Power filled the air him, his presence commanding and intimidating. His gaze was solely on his daughter, and he scowled while she kept tearing the body into pieces and in ignored him. "Enough." His voice was firm, and that word was lower than the others; its order hanging in the air and ordering her to follow it.

Cass stopped tearing through the lifeless body that used to be Camen and looked at him with red eyes, filled with unknown light and dangerous power. She clutched a leg in her jaws and broke it into two with a loud crunch before she let the pieces fall to her feet.

"No," someone breathed out, but I didn't know who while I watched Cass started to make her way to the King. Fear and guilt filled the person's voice, and I was too preoccupied to notice why. "Goddess, no."

Cass lowered her head and placed her ears to the back of her head, threateningly. She lifted her lips into a snarl and growled out in warning, shocking not only me but her group as well.

She started to run towards him, and I watched in horror while she leaped towards him, snarling.




"NOOOOO!" I thought I heard myself say while she fell to the ground dead; my heart breaking into tiny pieces while she fell, and I knew that it couldn't be placed back together again. I hadn't known that I had shifted into my human form until I was cradling Cass's wolf head, her unseeing eyes staring at nothing and no one, lifeless.

"I am sorry," someone sobbed, but I didn't look towards the person while I ran my hand through her fur, noticing that it was soft and warm for the moment. "I am sorry. She said that I'd know. She said that I would know, and I did. I had to do it. I had to befor-" The person broke into sobs, not able to finish that sentence again.

I didn't care about the person and watched Cass's body shifted back into her human form, her wolf spirit leaving first. My bottom lip quivered while I drank her in, knowing that this would be the last time I could hold her in my arms.

She was still beautiful to me, her brown hair hanging limply around her sunken cheeks. Her lips were parted as if begging for a kiss, but I didn't; I couldn't. Her red eyes stared straight ahead, and when I looked closely, I thought I saw what looked like relief filling them.

"Cass?" My voice sounded different to my ears so broken and lost because I had no idea how I would go on without her.

She was everything to me, my light, my love, my hope. She had been able to heal a broken man and gave me a new start in life, and she gave me a purpose by letting me be a father to her son and her two young cousins.

And it had been all taken away in a matter of seconds.

I stroked my hand through her hair, numbly, tears falling down my face and landing on her porcelain skin. My whole body shook and sobs wracked through my body while I cried and clutched her closer to my chest.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice breaking. "I'm sorry, my Love." I closed my eyes and let myself break down, something that I hadn't done when I had killed my ex-mate.

I didn't care about anything else going on. I didn't care about the Guardsmen, my pack, the king and his sons, or the Original Ten with someone with them. All I cared about was the dead female in my arms, taken away from me so soon before we were able to start a life together.

I didn't care that they saw a weak man or a weak Alpha, mourning his loss. I didn't care, I couldn't.

"I'm sorry," I whispered again, bowing my head in shame. I cleared my throat and stroked a hand through her hair. "I am so, so sorry, Cass."

I had failed.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora