Chapter 23 (Edited)

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It was the end of the week, and I was very nervous. I was finally able to train with the pack, but I had no idea where I would be placed, or who I would be paired up with.

Thankfully, I had been able to sleep with Xavier at my side. If he hadn't been by my side, then I was sure that I would have been exhausted by the time the morning came around.

I was awake early, even though Bryson didn't wake me up. I stayed in bed letting Xavier's heartbeat relax me until it was time for me to get up.

He was facing me with his arm across my side and his other one underneath my head. His whole body was relaxed, and even his facial expression was relaxed while he was asleep and not the scowl that I knew he had when he woke up.

Feeling like I was being a perv, I tore my gaze from his face and stared at his chest, again noticing the scars that littered across his body, scars that I carried as well.

I went to touch one but stopped, letting out a soft sigh. I moved my head a bit and listened to Xavier's heart change as he woke up.

His breathing was still even and relaxed, but I knew that he was awake.

"I know you are awake," I whispered, not really wanting to break the silence of the still morning. I moved my head back where I had it, hoping that he would open his beautiful blue eyes.

"No," he grunted. "Not yet." He pulled me closer to him and placed his arms around me, trapping me against him. "Sleep."

"I can't," I said, getting comfortable. "I am up. I can't go back to sleep."

Xavier opened one of his eyes and stared at me sleepily. He blinked before opening his eye again. "And why not?" he asked. "Bryson isn't crying, is he?"

I shook my head, no. "He's asleep," I said, causing him to nod his head.

"Then why are you awake?" he asked.

"I'm... nervous about today," I said, pulling my gaze away from his. "Dr. Trent had cleared me for training today, yesterday, and I don't know the time, or the place or what the hell I-" I stopped talking when Xavier placed his hand over my mouth.

"You're training with the five am group," he said. "I will lead you to the place where we hold training. I train with that group, too, and so does Parker. And, for what you will be doing, we'll talk about it when we get there. Ok?"

I nodded my head, looking at him with wide eyes. I felt rather relieved that he would be there with me but was nervous because I had no idea how training was going to go or what I had to do. And, I had no idea when Xavier would remove his hand from my mouth, so I decided to lick it.

Xavier removed his hand from my mouth and blinked, slowly. "Did you just lick my hand?" he asked, watching as my eyes went wide. "Cassandra."

"Um... I am going to check on Bryson," I said and started to get up. I let out a soft gasp as Xavier gently pulled me back onto the bed and trapped me by putting his large frame over mine and gently clasp my hands together in one of his.

"Well?" he asked, looking at me with those blue eyes of his. "Did you just lick my hand?"

He is not like him. He will not hurt me, I thought, silently so badly wanting to make a snarky response but scared of the consequence that could happen. So woman the fuck up and do it.

Xavier arched an eyebrow a devilish smirk appearing on his face. "Well?" he asked.

"And what if I did?" I asked, stunned that my voice didn't shake from the nerves that I felt. "What are you going to do about it?"

Xavier blinked and looked stunned that I had sassed him. He cleared his throat and loosened his grasp on my wrists, and I had the sudden urge to change our positions until I was on top and he was on the bottom. However, I didn't and just stayed where I was.

He took in a deep breath as he leaned down, his sweet breath fanning my face. Something changed in his expression, and for a second I thought that there was lust in his eyes. He leaned his face towards mine until our noses were barely touching before he closed his eyes and pulled away again.

Both of us were breathing heavily as he opened his eyes and let go of me as well as getting off of me. "Go check on Bryson and get ready," he said, his voice having this hard edge to it. "We'll be leaving soon."

But, I think I want you to kiss me, I thought, staying silent. I nodded my head and got up to check on my son.

"Cassandra," Xavier called out, causing me to stop and look at him. He stared at me, smirking. "Next time you lick me, I will have you lick something else, and you might not enjoy it."

I watched as Xavier shifted in the bed, causing my eyes to widen in surprise because I knew what he was implying. I didn't reply as I walked into my room and gently closed the door behind me. My heart was pounding faster in my chest, and it took all of my self-control to go to my son and not back to him. My face was hot as I blushed and walked over to my son.

I was slightly aroused about his comment, and a part of me wanted to see if he would actually do it. However, I didn't want to try it out, not yet at least. I was still "mated," even though I had rejected my mate, but he hadn't rejected me yet.

Also, he still had a Wolf spirit that was tied to his soul, and I did not want to hurt his Wolf by having sex with someone else. I didn't want to hurt him like I knew how he was hurting me, even though I couldn't feel it.

However, one of these days, I promised myself, I would stop caring about him and his Wolf and let Xavier have his way. But, I didn't think that would happen any time soon.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now