Chapter 58

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A/N: Woooo. ^-^/ Here is the next chapter. Enjoy.



I sat "patiently" waiting for the hood covering my face to be removed by one of them. My hands were tied behind my back, and it took all of my self-control not to break out of the cuffs, take off the hood, and yell at them for not letting me explain what had happened and why I did what I did.

I could hear them arguing over me as they waited for someone else to come, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

All of my senses were dulled by the hood that was over my head, and this buzzing noise filled my ears, but thankfully, I was able to ignore it.

The only thing that didn't seem to dull were my instincts as well as the ability to feel who was near me and what was happening around me.

I could feel the gazes of my comrades as they looked at me and then at each other. I could tell that I had someone to my left and then someone to my right while the others were sprawled around the tent.

'How are you holding up?' Charlie asked, and I was more than grateful that I was able to still contact him.

'I am going insane,' I replied. 'Are we waiting for Commander?'

'Ya, he is almost here as well as May like planned,' he replied. 'I am surprised that you haven't taken the hood or the cuffs off.'

'I am humoring them,' I replied. 'If he doesn't come soon, then I will take these things off and then yell at everyone.'

Charlie chuckled. 'Well, you are in luck, Commander and May just walked in. They're just yelling and talking right now.'

'Not a word.' I warned, causing him to snort.

'I know,' he replied. 'I don't need to face your wrath.'

I didn't reply because as soon as he said that, someone ripped the hood off of my head and almost everyone started to yell at me, not including Commander and Charlie.

Everyone was pissed at me for going back to Camen when they were rooting for me and Xavier to be together. They didn't let me talk or answer any of the many questions that they shot my way, and my patience was starting to wear thin.

"Would everyone shut the fuck up?!" I snapped, finally losing my cool and causing everyone to become quiet. I growled out angrily, feeling annoyed with the whole thing. "I can not answer anything if you all keep yelling at me and berating me without letting me defend myself."

They stayed silent and looked at each other. They were talking amongst themselves as if they were trying to come up with who was going to ask me the questions.

"I thought you didn't love Camen," Commander said. His face was blank as he studied me, probably trying to see if he couldn't guess what I was planning. "Why are you with him?"

I shifted in my position trying to relieve some of the tension that I was feeling. I calmed myself down as much as I could, but I knew that one wrong word would send me off again.

Commander, sensing my tension, nodded to the cuffs. "Take them off," he said to someone. "Now," he added when someone was about to interject.

Charlie did just that and handed the cuffs back to whoever they belonged to. He didn't meet Commander's gaze, and I could tell that Commander picked up on something from Charlie.

"What are you two planning?" he asked, turning his gaze on me. "Or, what have you planned?"

I shifted until I was able to get comfortable and rubbed my wrist. "Do you want the really short version or the really long version?" I asked.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin