Don't be a Drag, Just be a Queen

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Chapter 69

Don't be a Drag, Just be a Queen

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this!" Ava exclaimed.

Today was Monday, also known as the first day of Spirit Week at Brennan High. And in a way, Ava had a good reason to complain, seeing as Mira had talked her into dressing like Lady Gaga.

Ava wore the champagne bubble dress with her long black and blue hair hidden underneath a platinum blonde wig. Under her dress she wore a skin colored body suit, seeing as the bubbles on the dress were see-through. She wore simple white ankle boots to match.

"Oh come on, Ava, its fun!" Paige said cheerfully.

Paige's dress had been the most expensive, but it was worth it. The dress was a simple short flared out black dress with a large triangular piece of mirror covering the right side of her torso. She didn't wear a wig, as her hair was already platinum, but her eyes and nose were completely covered by a matching mirror mask. Her perfect legs adorned black stockings and she wore black boots that stopped midway up her calves.

Sara walked in the doors behind them with a grin on her face. Her outfit was the only one that wasn't a dress. She wore the black lacy outfit with an enormous intricate bow on her head. Her entire body was covered with the lace, except her eyes and forehead, which were covered with the mask attached to the bow. She wore simple black boots and kept her hair brown and curly, as a wig would upset the massive bow.

Lastly, Mira came waddling in. Her dress was the only one she could find to fit; the orbit dress. She claimed to not be like Quinn from Glee, and had almost slapped her brother when he mentioned that she wore the same dress in the episode. Her hair hung long and straight down past her shoulders and she held the spiked orbit ball in her left hand. The only difference between this dress and Gaga's was the shoes. Mira couldn't wear heels, so she paired her outfit with a pair of Paige's pink sneakers; the color was a dead-on match.

"Don't get me wrong, I like Lady Gaga," Ava said, "and I love her style, but I don't want to dress like her!"

Sara chuckled and shook her head, "Look around, Aves."

Ava's eyes shifted from her friends to the other students in the hall, and she was barely surprised to find that everyone in the hall was in a costume of some sort. She had never paid attention to spirit week, seeing as this was her first time dressing up for it, and she didn't know that the school took it so seriously.

She still was not sure why she agreed to do this, probably because she was still upset over what her parents had told her a few days ago. It haunted her thoughts for days, and she had been avoiding Mira, even now she could barely talk to her.

"Relax Ava, you look great and- HOLY SHIT!" Paige jumped as a massive red figure suddenly appeared beside her.

"Hey Zeke," Ava said calmly.

Mira, Paige, and Sara all took a closer look and realized that it was Zeke… in the red rubber Gaga dress.

"You got your boyfriend to dress up with you?" Mira asked.

Zeke draped his arm over his tiny girlfriend's shoulders, "She asked me, and I thought it sounded like fun."

"Is that a shower curtain?" Paige asked incredulously. Zeke looked embarrassed under the red sparkly paint around his eyes.

Before Mira could even laugh, a hand on her waist spun her around and someone mashed their lips to hers. She immediately knew it was Seth, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Since Joseph was arrested four days ago, Seth had been very affectionate. He had come over on Friday to hang out and they had ended up making out. Audrey had given him a key, so he knew he was always welcome in the house. Seth seemed so much… lighter and happier. As if some horrible demon had finally left him.

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