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Chapter 56


Mira stared at the box Ava had just handed her. "The fetal Doppler baby heart monitor?" she asked.

It was Friday after school, exactly one week before Seth and Mira were going to meet the adoption agent. Everything was all set up; they were going to meet at Mira's house and sign the papers.

"Yep the fetal Doppler baby heart monitor." Ava said proudly. "I bought it at the baby store in the mall, they were on sale."

When Mira turned the box over to look at the price tag, her eyes widened. "One hundred ten dollars!" she exclaimed.

Ava shrugged like it was no big deal, "Meh, it cost a couple pay checks, but it was worth it." she pressed a black painted nail against the box. "Look, you can listen to your baby's heartbeat with this thing!"

The dark haired girl tore open the box and pulled out the device. It was a gray small radio looking device with an ultrasound wand attached to it. Ava pushed it into Mira's hands and looked at her expectantly.

"Wait, you mean I could seriously listen to the baby's heartbeat from anywhere?" she asked in astonishment. Ava nodded.

"So how does this work?" She asked. Ava reached into the box and pulled out the complimentary bottle of ultrasound gel.

"Lift your shirt up." She commanded. Mira lifted her sweater up until it almost reached her bra. Ava smeared the gel on her belly and handed her the device. "Now you just use the wand and listen."

Mira flipped the switch on the side to 'on' and pressed the wand to the gelled area of her stomach.

Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.

Mira's breath caught in her throat. She had only heard the heart beat a few times, but this was extraordinary.

Ava smiled at her friend's reaction. "So I take it that you like my gift?" she said gleefully.

"It's amazing, Aves. But…" she trailed off and looked down at the machine pressed to her stomach.


"I can't accept this… its too expensive." The blonde went to put it back in the box. It was true, as much as she wanted to be able to listen to that beautiful heartbeat, she could never accept something so expensive.

Ava placed her hands on top of Mira's and gave her a smile.

"Hey, after all you've been through, consider it a gift."


"Yeah, you're my best friend and I just want you to be as happy as possible." Ava said with a smile.

Mira returned the smile, touched. "Ava… I don't know what to say. Thank you. I wish I had something to give you."

"Wellllllll, there is something you can do for me." Ava said.

"What?" Mira noticed that her friend looked a little nervous. She drummed her dark nails against the skin of her palm and avoided Mira's eyes.

"You know how I don't have a lot of friends, right?" she asked nervously. Mira nodded. "Well, my dads kinda found out that I have a female best friend and they… want to meet you."

Mira frowned and looked at her panicked friend. "Is that it? God, Ava, you had me scared there!"

Ava looked up hopefully, "So does this mean that you'll go? They want to have you over for dinner."

She smiled brightly, "Of course, I'd love to meet your dads." Ava sighed in relief.

Her dark haired best friend grinned and nodded her head. Mira smiled back and clutched her gift in her hands.

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