Let's Play The Blame Game

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Chapter 23

Let's play the blame game

Paige and Mira sat on the latter's bed, both deep in their own thoughts. Mira was holding Jake's rose in her hands, running her fingers over the petals. Paige was texting.

"Now she's saying that if we keep texting her, her mom'll take her phone away." Paige said, turning her phone so Mira could see it.

"When did Sara's mom become such a strict bitch?" Mira asked before lying back on the pillows.

"She's always been that way." Paige began "We've just never been in a situation this serious before. Remember last year when I got my belly button pierced and she told Sara that I couldn't go to her house unless I took it out?"

Mira nodded, "But, I guess that I thought that no matter what, you both would be able to help me through this."

Paige reached across the bed and gently took Mira's hand in hers.

"Sweetie, you will always have me. And no matter what my parents say, I will never abandon you!"

Mira gave her a smile. "Have I mentioned how much I love you?"

"You could stand to mention it more"

The next day was rough, Mira avoided Seth, and Sara avoided Paige and Mira.

The entire day, the curly brunette did not give her two former best friends as much as a glance. Paige could see that it was clearly tearing Mira apart. She noticed that she spent the entire day reading that book about violin music. When Paige had asked her about it, she had just said, "I lost one friend, might as well try to get to know a new one."

So after school, Paige sought out Sara. She was about to leave the school after play practice.

"Hey girl!" the platinum blonde said. Sara, startled, almost dropped her cell phone. Her dark brown eyes immediately looked to the left and right.

"What are you doing?" Sara asked nervously "I told you what my mom said!" Paige ignored her tone and crossed her arms. "Yes, I remember. I remember that you are willing to give up twelve years of friendship because you are too goddamn afraid to stand up to your parents!"

Sara gaped at the girl standing in front of her. She didn't know the half of it.

"What the fuck are you blaming me for? You know what will happen if she finds me talking to you!"

"Who else am I supposed to blame?" Paige snapped back.

"Not me! Try blaming my parents! Or Seth Elsen! Or-" she suddenly stopped and pressed her lips together angrily. Paige narrowed her eyes.

"Who should I blame? What were you going to say? Should we be blaming Mira? Is that what you wanted to say?" Paige's questions were fast, her tone crisp. Sara sighed through her teeth.

"Of course not, but… do you how hard I've worked on this play? Or that there are going to be talent scouts at the performance? Or that I want to go to New York to further my singing career? Do you know where I can get the opportunity to do all this? Here. I can't get any further in my progress in a catholic boarding school in Portland, Oregon!"

"I understand that but-"

"Then why are you blaming me? Paige, our high school years are supposed to be fun! We shouldn't have to be spending our time playing 'babysitter to the pregnant girl'. You know I love you and Mira. But I can't give up everything I've worked for. Not for something that is way over my head." Sara paused and rested her hand on Paige's shoulder, "And maybe you should be thinking about your own future, and how being around Mira is going to affect it."

Paige stared at Sara for a long time. And the two continued to stare until finally, Paige turned and walked off toward her car.

It was a solid week of the three friends not talking. Sara was completely avoiding the two girls, and for some reason, Paige was oddly quiet and withdrawn whenever she was around the pregnant teen.

Much to Seth's disdain, Mira continued to hang out with Jake. The two hung out a few times after school, talked during lunch, and even texted each other.

Mira knew that Seth was jealous (even though he never admitted it), so it was because of that that she never told him that she and Jake had not even kissed. For some reason, she liked that it annoyed him to see her with another guy. Especially after she had to sit back while he did every girl in the school.

So far, she and Jake had remained very platonic. But she knew he was interested in her.

Whenever Seth and Mira talked or met, the boy was always asking questions about her and 'Joey, Jesse, Josh, etc.' and every time she told him that it was none of his business.

Another thing that had happened over the last week was that she talked to her father a few times. Adam had originally called to talk to Audrey, but Mira had answered. The conversation had been awkward at first, but then they came to a silent agreement to not mention babies, pregnancy, or the fact that he walked out on them a month and a half ago.

Adam also didn't mention the fact that Leda had stopped by his hotel room on thanksgiving with a power drill. Her exact words were "if you don't get your ass back to your goddamn family, I'm gonna take this and unscrew all your man parts!"

"That's the ninth fucking call in a row!" Seth complained angrily, turning off his cell phone.

It was Saturday and Seth had invited his friends Brian, Eddie, Karl, Nick, and Turtle over to play XBOX in his room.

Brian smirks, his eyes narrowing amusedly, "Leave it to Seth Elsen to bitch about Ashley Warner wanting to booty call."

"I'm not in the mood" the brunet muttered.

The boys are so stunned, the controllers slip out of their hands.

"Be still my heart." Nick said dramatically. Nick was an average good looking guy, tall with reddish brown hair and hazel green eyes. He liked to think of himself as a player, though he paled in comparison to Seth. He had made out with Paige in eighth grade, and had had a thing for her since.

"Dude, I think he's only interested in a blonde with a baby in her belly." Karl said. Karl was their Muslim friend, with dark hair and big brown eyes. He was normal height with a skinny build.

Seth glared at Karl, causing the latter to look at him in surprise. "What?"

"Could we please not talk about blondes, babies, or fucking fiddlers?" Seth snapped. The remaining five boys looked up in interest.

"Who said anything about fiddlers?" Eddie asked, "And what do you have against blondes?"

Eddie had long, straw-like blond hair that almost reached his collar bones. He was shorter than any of the other boys, but he always managed to kick their asses at XBOX games.

"Just fuck off, ok? I just want to play my fucking XBOX without a fucking interrogation!" Seth's voice was hard as steel, all the while his eyes never left the TV screen. His friends were used to this, his mood had been angry the last couple weeks.

Turtle, their Native American stoner friend who, up to this point had been quiet, spoke up, "so, if Mira marries the fiddler and has your baby, will you two be related?"

Seth threw his controller on the ground. "I need a fucking smoke!" and stormed out the door.

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