How to Make-Up an Enemy

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Chapter 41

How to Make-Up an Enemy

Mira cradled her cell phone between her cheek and shoulder while she struggled to get out of her car. Jake waited impatiently beside the vehicle in the school parking lot and watched his girlfriend's attempts to stand up and get a hold of her backpack from the front seat floor.

"Miss Doris, I know I haven't turned the papers in yet. But the father keeps forgetting to sign them. Is there anyway to start the process without them?" the blonde begged, finally managing to get out of her seat. Jake held up his watch-clad wrist to tell her that he was getting even more impatient. She swatted it away and turned her attention back to the phone.

"I'm sorry, Mira, but I need both the parent's papers to start this process. Please try to get them to me soon."

Mira sighed and rested her head back against the roof of the car. "Alright, I'll get them as soon as I can."

She said goodbye and hung up. Jake sighed and leaned beside her on the car.

"Well, that took forever," he said impatiently, leaning over and kissing her cheek. The girl just stared ahead and passed her phone from one hand to the other.

"It was the adoption agent." She said flatly, "you know how important those phone calls are."

"Yeah, but do you always have to do them when I'm around?" he whined, hugging his violin case close to his chest. Mira pulled her lips between her teeth and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"You're right," she said, her tone tense and irritated, "I should be thinking about your needs and just forget about the future of this child."

Jake's eyebrows crept into his forehead. "What the fuck's your problem? I was just asking a question."

"Nothing is my problem!" she snapped, "now what was so important that you made me leave the house ten minutes early and meet you in the freezing school parking lot?"

Jake's eyes lit up; he loved talking about himself. "Well, the most embarrassing thing happened yesterday while I was playing on the street…"

Mira tightened her coat around her body and tuned out the sound of her boyfriend's incessant yammering.

Ava's words had been echoing in her head for the last couple days, 'issues caused by abandonment are never solved by clinging to the one person who you think cares about you!'

Ever since she had heard that, pretty much everything Jake said or did really annoyed her. So she had made the decision to talk to him.

And she found herself wondering if it was true. Was she only with Jake because she felt so isolated and he made her feel somewhat wanted?

Did she force herself to believe that she loved Jake because the person she thought she really loved had hurt her so badly?

"…and I realized that my grip on the bow must have been loosened somewhat by the winds, and I played the note completely wrong! I felt-"

"Jake," she cut him off sharply, "I'm sorry I asked."

He scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"I said 'I'm sorry I asked'. Jesus Christ, can you go one day without telling me every single little detail about your fucking daily violin playing?" she snapped angrily. The girl had no idea where this sudden burst of hostility came from, but if it made him stop talking about the violin, she didn't mind it.

"Well excuse me!" he exclaimed, "for trying to give your uncultured ass some experience!"

"And another thing," Mira stated loudly, "stop acting like because you can play Caprice No. 24 in A minor, that you're better than me! I may not play a fucking instrument, but my 'uncultured ass' knows that you're nothing special!"

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