Reactions to the News

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Chapter 9

Reactions to the News

Like everyone else, her mother stared at her in shock and horror. Her mouth opened and closed several times.

"Is… is this some type of prank? Because it is not funny in any way." She shook her head slowly.

"No, it's true. Please don't throw me out of the car and kill me!" she begged. Audrey's jaw dropped and she leaned back against her seat.

"How did this happen? How COULD this happen?" her questions, though expected, still made the younger girl tremble as more tears slipped out.

"We both know the answer to that, mom." It was the answer she had given everyone else. Finally, her mother raked her fingers through her own blonde hair with a loud sigh.

"Who's the father?" she asked, her own voice beginning to quiver. Mira bit her lip and looked away quickly.

"You don't know him." She muttered.

"Well I'm gonna. Answer the question, Mirabelle." She winced; the full name meant her mom was serious.

"His name is Seth Elsen. He goes to my school."

"I cannot believe this." She said after a moment of silence.

"Can we please have this conversation somewhere where there are witnesses?" Mira begged quietly.

"Fine. You're not going back to school today. You have all your stuff? Good." Without another word, she pulled the car out of the parking lot and headed home.

Seth was searching the school for Mira. He'd felt bad about what he said about an abortion and wanted to apologize. He spotted her brunette friend at the bulletin board signing her name for the auditions of 'Les Miserables'.

"Hey Sara" He greeted with his normal charming smile. She glanced at him.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Do you know where Mira is?" she raised a perfectly plucked brown eyebrow.

"…Why?" she asked, eyeing him suspiciously. He shrugged.

"I need to ask her something."

"Well, she went out with her mom. So I suggest that you don't go looking for her because she's planning to tell her parents. And her father is a strong man." She swiftly turned to leave when he suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Please, PLEASE tell me that this is your own odd way of getting revenge on me!" he begged. She shook her head.

"Nope, looks like the truth is finally coming out. And apparently it's time you own up to your actions." She jerked her arm away and began to leave. He huffed.

"Oh god! It's not my fault she got pregnant! I didn't break the condom!" he said angrily. Sara turned, mouth open with her response, when her eyes suddenly widened. Before he could ask, a voice spoke behind him.

"You what?"

Ashley had heard.

Ashley Warner had never been what one would call 'modest'. She had developed early and was always proud to show it.

She had been in an open relationship with Seth for about eight months. Of course, 'open relationship' meant that they could occasionally sleep with other people, but they still considered themselves a couple.

Even though she herself did it, she had always hated it when Seth slept with other people. She wondered what he saw in different girls that he didn't see in her. She knew she was definitely prettier than the other girls, and she was not shy about that factor.

She had just been heading to Biology when she noticed Seth talking to that musical-geek Sara Morganson. She quickly hid behind the corner and listened into what she could hear, assuming he was trying to hit on her.

"And apparently it's time you own up to your actions!" actions? What had Seth done this time? She walked out from her hiding spot in time to hear Seth announce he hadn't meant to get 'her' pregnant. Suddenly Sara turned and met her eyes.

"You what?" she asked. He whirled around and saw her standing there. Sara looked the two before taking off in the opposite direction.

"Ash… I can explain…" his eyes were darting up and down different hallways to see if anyone else was around. She crossed her thin arms and glared at him defiantly.

"Explain what? What the hell is going on? Who's pregnant?" she asked with wide eyes.

"No one, I was just helping Sara rehearse lines for the play!" he knew it was pathetic, but he prayed that she would buy it. She didn't.

"Really? Really? How frecking stupid do you think I am? Did you get some girl pregnant!"

"Um…" he said, looking down guiltily. She gasped and slapped a hand to her mouth.

"Who is it?" he fiddled with his hoodie strings, "Is it Sara? Answer me!" he sighed, regretting having to tell her.

"Mira Pascal" he whispered. Her jaw dropped.

"Mira fucking Pascal? When the fuck did you sleep with her?" she screamed. Seth immediately pressed a finger to his lips.

"SHH!" he hushed desperately. "At Shelia Collins' party ten weeks ago. I'm sorry it was an accident. Please don't come after me with your sharp nails!" Ashley stared at him in horror and shock.

"I-I can believe this. How could you do this?"

"I told you it was an accident! She's telling her parents right now and I need to make sure she is ok." He holds up his cell phone. Her icy blue eyes narrow dangerously.

"Want to make sure she's ok? Why should you even care? Tell her to get an abortion and get it over with! You're my boyfriend, not hers!" she knew it sounded harsh, but she was beyond not caring.

"I tried, she started crying. Please Ashley, I need to call her. I promise I'll come by your house later and we can talk." The girl flicker her dark hair over her shoulder.

"You wanna call her so bad? Then you can call me later. I don't think I can handle talking about this in person." She pushed past him on her way to class, knowing that she was already late.

"Ashley!" he called after her, but she walked around another corner and was gone from sight.

"Great," he thought, "this is not going to be a good day."

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