Blame it on the Alcohol

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Chapter 63

Blame it on the Alcohol

Seth walked into school Monday morning with a stomach that felt like it was full of cement. He kept his eyes trained to the floor as he made his way down the hall. People bumped into him, but not once did he look up. Yesterday had been… traumatizing. For the first time in six years, he had been within arm's length of his 'father', and the only thing he could do was stand there and whimper like a weak little girl. He was supposed to be stronger than that.

Seth knew that Mira would talk to him today. He just didn't know what he would say. After Friday, words had been a bit difficult for him. Carolyn and Dave had spent the whole weekend talking to lawyers and friends with power, but as Seth had said, there was nothing anyone could do as long as Joseph 'behaved' himself. So in other words, until that man did more than terrify him, he was free.

The brunet finally looked up when he had to put in his locker combination. He just wanted to get his books and get to class, but he knew Mira would appear any….



Seth closed his eyes for a second and turned around to see her standing before him.

"Hey," he said briefly, turning back to his locker and pretending to shuffle through the contents. When really, he didn't want to meet her gaze. Those blue eyes would instantly be able to tell that he was hiding something.

"Hey? You freak out when your father shows up on our date, you ignore all my calls, and you look like you haven't slept all weekend, and all I get is a 'hey'?" she exclaimed in disbelief. His hand paused in searching through his locker and he sighed.

"I… don't want to talk about it." he said softly. He heard her huff. She grabbed his shoulder and spun him around to face her.

"Well tough, because I do!" she said. Mira was beyond confused and angry. She didn't know what to do in this situation. Seth was being so distant, and she figured she needed to be a little forceful. She deserved to know the truth. "What is going on?"

Then something happened. Seth turned around and stared at her for a few seconds. Then Mira literally saw something in him snap.

"Mind your own business, Mira."

Seth slammed his locker door closed and left without taking anything out of it. He hurriedly made his way down the hallway, because he knew if he didn't, then he would have to see the hurt look in those blue eyes that had brought him nothing but happiness.

In between second and third period, Mira approached Brian. If she couldn't get her answers from Seth, then she needed to go for the next best thing; his closest friend.

"Brian?" she called, only a few steps behind him. He paused and looked over his shoulder to see her quickly catch up with him.

"Hey Mira." He said with a smile. "How did your date with Seth go on Friday?"

"It was fine." She answered softly, "Listen I need to ask you something. Its… about Seth."

"Shoot," He said, "But make it fast, I have to get to class to I can get a seat next to that sext Asian girl"

At any other time, Mira would have playfully rolled his eyes at his maleness, but she was a woman on a mission. "What can you tell me about Seth's father?"

That did it. Brian stopped mid-step, his eyes widened. He grabbed Mira's arm.

"Why do you want to know about him?" He asked while gently dragging her toward the lockers, away from where people could hear them.

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