And Baby Makes Three

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Chapter 76

And Baby Makes Three

"I never thought a shot to the back could make me feel so good," Mira said peacefully. After her water had broken, she had apparently been dilated enough to finally get an epidural.

Seth chuckled and said, "Why don't you try and get some sleep?" He glanced at his watch and saw it was almost eleven at night. She had been in labor since noon.

"That actually sounds like a good idea," She said with a yawn. Seth stood up and pulled the blanket over her as she snuggled into the pillow.

"Sleep tight," He whispered.

"Promise you'll still be here when I wake up?" she asked sleepily. He smiled and nodded.

"Of course." he walked around the bed to get his laptop from his bag when she called to him.


He reached into his bag, "Yeah?"

"I love you."

Seth froze and turned his head. She was looking at him with sleepy eyes. He opened his mouth, only to realize he had nothing to say.

"I just…wanted… you… to know." Her words became mumbles as she drifted off to sleep, leaving him standing there shocked.

"How's she doing?" Audrey asked quietly when she entered the room. Seth was sitting on the couch typing on his laptop.

"She's been asleep for about an hour," he answered.

"Oh, that's good. She needs to rest."

Seth nodded. Ever since Mira had admitted that she loved him, his mind had been spinning. Hell, he didn't even notice that he had been typing the same sentence over and over again for the last five minutes.

"Adam is out in the waiting room," she said to his unasked question. He blinked and nodded.

She walked over and sat beside him. "How are you holding up?" she asked.

He shrugged, "It's hard… seeing her in that much pain and knowing that I caused it."

"I know."

"I'm sorry, you know," He said, refusing to meet her eyes. "I'm sorry for getting her into this and I'm sorry for doing this to your family."

"Don't apologize," She commanded softly, "It is what it is. But what you need to understand is that, while we aren't exactly happy with the circumstances, Adam and I have accepted them. We are gaining a grandchild out of this, so there is no need to feel guilty."

Seth looked up at her. He had never really thought of it that way.

She patted his leg, "Now, you should probably be getting some sleep. You're going to need your strength too."

"Thanks Mrs. Pascal."

"Call me Audrey."

The night passed slowly. Adam and Audrey slept in separate chairs while Seth got the couch. The rest of the gang had been told to come back in the morning. Seeing as it was a Saturday, they didn't have to worry about school.

It was around four when Mira woke up. A contraction hit her hard and she let out a scream, waking everyone up.

Immediately, Audrey was by her side. Seth got tangled in the blanket that was draped over his body, and ended up falling to the floor.

"Another contraction?" Audrey asked gently. From his chair, Adam yawned and stood up to get the doctor.

"Yeah," Mira gasped. It was a bad one.

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