It Hits the Fan

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Chapter 22

It Hits the Fan

Paige raced out of the math room after Sara.

"Not so fast!" she exclaimed, grabbing the brunette's arm and spinning her around. Sara's eyes widened, almost as if she were surprised to see Paige standing there with an expectant look on her face.

"What?" she asked in annoyance.

"You gonna tell me what's up?" Paige asked patiently, "or are you gonna make me guess?"

Sara sighed and began playing with the charms on her bracelet.

"I- I have to get to chemistry. I'll tell you later, I promise." Sara tugged her arm back and began walking down the hall and disappeared into the crowd of passing people.

Paige frowned. This could not be good.

Seth waited until lunch to look for Mira. He found her in the library, looking at the music and art section with a stack of books in her arms. He walked up to her.

"Hey," he said, mildly casual. On the inside, he was fuming.

When he saw her with that guy… Jesse, Josh, Justin, whatever his name was, it drove him crazy. Just the sight of her blushing and giggling and holding hands with a guy caused a knot to tighten in his stomach.

She looked up and smiled at him. "Hey."

He craned his neck to see the books she was carrying.

'Pregnancy without Pounds'

'How smart is your baby?'

'The dos and don'ts of pregnancy'

'Violin Music for Dummies'

'The art of the Violin'

Seth's eyes narrowed. He knew that she had been reading lots of pregnancy books lately, but it was obvious why she was getting the last two. He cleared his throat and held out his hand. She looked at him confusedly.

"You're pregnant, you shouldn't carry heavy books." He offered. She smiled.

"Thanks, but the doctor said that it'll be another month before I can't lift anything heavy. And these aren't really that heavy."

"At least let me carry some. How bout this one?" before she could reply, he snatched 'Violin music for dummies' out of her hands.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, only to be met with the library-goers 'SSSHHHHH!'

Seth opened the book and thumbed through the pages quickly. He scoffed, "hate to spoil the ending; but violin music fucking sucks." She rolled her eyes and reached for the book, but he held it above his head, out of her reach.

"Give me the book, Seth." She said firmly.

"I heard you spent the morning in the nurse's office. I would have brought you flowers, but it appeared Fiddler on the Roof already did." His tone was quick and angry; his nose wrinkled slightly at the mention of Jake. She frowned and lowered her arm.

"What is your problem? So I made a new friend? What do you care?"

"My problem is; you're having MY baby. You can't date anyone while pregnant with my kid!" he yelled.

"SSSHHHHHH!" the library-goers hissed. As he turned to glare at them, Mira took the opportunity to take her book back and storm toward the check out counter. Seth followed.

"I'm not done yet!" the people around him tensed up and brought their fingers to their lips, but Seth beat them to it, "Don't fucking say it!"

"You're acting psychotic." She said calmly, walking out of the library and down the hall toward her locker. As she worked the dial, he walked up behind her.


"Will you please stop acting like a jealous wife?" she snapped. That did it.

As she began to open the locker, he slammed his palm on it, causing it to close with a loud BANG.

"Fine, I don't fucking care anymore." The brunette turned and stormed off in the opposite direction.

Mira sighed and leaned against her locker. What the hell was his problem? One minute he completely ignores her and says 'we are NOT boyfriend and girlfriend' and the next minute he is acting like the overbearing boyfriend.

Seth Elsen was a strange character.

As she turned to open her locker again, she heard her phone buzz in her bag. Pulling it out, she say it was a text message from Paige.

The shit has officially hit the fan!

Paige had been waiting for a total of five minutes before Mira came running up to her.

"I got your text. What's going on?" she asked. Paige sighed and rolled her cell phone in her palms.

"It's um… it's Sara."

"What's wrong with Sara? Is she ok?" Mira grabbed her friend's arms and shook her. Paige yelped and pulled away.

"Yeah, she's ok. But… look for yourself." The platinum blonde held her phone out to Mira. She took it and read the text message that had been pulled up.

My mom says I cant hang out with Mira anymore and if you hang out with her then I cant see you either. Mom threatened to send me to boarding school in Portland if I disobey. I'm sorry

Mira stared at the phone in shock.

"Portland!" she exclaimed. Paige nodded and threw her arms up in the air dramatically. "The fuck do they have in Portland?"

"I have no idea!" Paige answered. Mira slumped against a wall and ran her fingers through her hair. The platinum blonde sighed. "Well, what do we do? Maybe you could ask Zeke Prescott to kill her mom as his favor?"

Mira shook her head sadly. "I don't understand. Her mom seemed fine."

"We don't know that for sure. Sara never said she told her mom. Maybe her seeing you yesterday scared her and she doesn't want her daughter exposed to it."

Mira raised her eyebrows.

"Since when do you stand up for the parents? You're supposed to be on my side! What kind of friend are you?" she screamed. Paige took a step back.

"Whoa, calm down there, crazy pregnant lady. I was just saying that Sara's mommy, much like our beloved Sara, is a perfectionist. And maybe seeing her daughter with a pregnant teenager upset her."

Now it was Mira's turn to sigh.

"You got any chips?" she asked suddenly.


"I'm having a sudden craving for those chili-cheese Fritos. That and I'm sad and need to drown out my sadness."

Paige smiled sadly and hooked her arm through Mira's.

"Let's go to the vending machines and get you some chips. We'll talk about the Sara thing later." Paige suggested, Mira nodded and the two began walking down the hall.

"Could this day be anymore odd?" the pregnant teen asked.

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