Old Lovers and New Friends

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Chapter 33

 Old Lovers and New Friends

"Hey dad, it's me again," Mira said into her cell phone, "I just wanted to say thanks for signing the forms for me. I really appreciate it. Bye."

She ended the call and dialed another number. Then sighed when she heard an answering machine.

"Hey Aunt Leda, you said that you were cool with me staying with you, so I just called you back to talk about what the plan'll be. So call me back, bye."

Mira ended the call and sat back on her desk chair. Since the falling out with her mom yesterday, Mira had barely left her room or talked to anyone. Jake had called her a total of fifteen times in the last twenty-four hours, though.

Deciding that she was tired of being cooped up in the house, she picked up her car keys and purse and headed down to her car.

At Christmas, the extended family had decided that Matt was the new favorite child and got him a car. So now Mira got the car that they had previously shared.

"Because I don't think it's the right thing for her!" Audrey Pascal argued with her estranged husband across the table.

After the fight with Mira, Audrey had called Adam and asked him to meet her for coffee. When she explained the situation, she was a bit surprised when he already knew about it. Then he had explained that he had already signed the papers.

"Why not? A different environment may be just what she needs." He countered.

"Adam, she is going through a rough time, she needs to be around her family."

"Last time I checked, Leda is my sister, therefore she is family." He said indignantly. Audrey sighed.

"You know I love Leda to death, but she is not the type of family that our daughter needs to be around. Leda can be a bit… let's say 'immature' at times. Mira needs to be with people who can support her in the most mature ways."

Adam nodded, for the first time in a while, he actually agreed with his wife. "I get what you're saying but try to put yourself in her position. She wants to go somewhere new, where she thinks she can't get hurt. Somewhere where she can be away from all this."

Audrey let out a breath and rested her forehead in her palm. "How did all this happen? She was always such a good and happy child. When did her lives become so hard?"

Adam shrugged helplessly. "I'm not sure, babe." She looked up at him, her eyes surprised and mouth turning up slightly, "What?"

"Nothing, you just called me 'babe'."


"So, you haven't called me that in years." Adam returned her smile.

"For the record; I miss you." He said softly. Her face softened a bit more.

"I know. I miss you too." She answered. Adam took that as a good sign.

"Then let me come home. You obviously need me there."

"Adam, we've been over this. You can come home when I want you there. We came here to talk about Mira, not about us."

Adam sighed, clearly somewhat angered about being shot down, but he realized she was right they needed to focus on their daughter.

Before he could answer, his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw it was a text message from Leda.

Big problem. Call me as soon as you get this

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