Little Chats

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Chapter 32

Little Chats

"You did what?" Jake yelled loudly.

"I sent in an application to another school. I'm waiting for the confirmation call." Mira answered calmly.

It was two days since she had talked to Seth and Paige, and Jake was her first human contact since then. The two were sitting on Mira's front porch swing, staring at the snowy yard.

"How… when… why?" Jake stuttered. The idea that his girlfriend had suddenly decided to change schools and not bother to tell him set him on edge.

She shrugged and hugged her coat tighter around her body. "I just don't want to be here… I'm so tired of being hurt."

Jake slid his arm across her shoulders, "You know I would never hurt you."

For some reason, the fact that she and Seth had kissed had stopped bothering him. At first he was just going to plan ways to get revenge on Seth, but when he found out that he had slept with Paige and how badly it had upset Mira, he realized that Seth had both set himself up and then self-sabotaged himself.

And now that Mira seemed to think she was truly alone, he knew she would cling to him more than ever. So in a way this was a victory that Seth couldn't imagine.

"I know," she said quietly, "but it's something I have to do. If I stay here for the rest of my pregnancy, then I know things are going to go wrong."

"You could stay with me?" he offered, "I have the room."

Jake hadn't told Mira much about his family life. All she knew was that he had been legally emancipated when he turned 16 and received parts of his parent's paychecks to help pay for his apartment.

When Mira had asked him why he had moved out of his parents and lived on his own, his exact words were: "their ignorance was getting in the way of my musical genius." Sadly, she knew he was being serious.

The blonde smiled lightly at him and leaned her head on his shoulder, "thanks but this is something that I have to do. Living with you would be the easy way out."

Truth was, if she had to listen to much more violin music, she was going to rip her hair out by the roots.

OperaLuver: u did what!

TicklemePaige22: she and I got into a fight and I went to the party! I didn't mean to!

OperaLuver: How do u not mean to? Did you fall and his dick broke ur fall?

TicklemePaige22: …

OperaLuver: how could you do that to Mira? What is she gonna do when she finds out?

TickelmePaige22: um she already found out…

OperaLuver: WHAT?

TicklemePaige22: my asshole brother read my diary and showed it to Marli.

OperaLuver: What did she say?

TicklemePaige22: Mira said shes going to live with her aunt. She and Seth got into a big fight over him giving up his rights to pick the adoption couple.

OperaLuver: Holy shit how did u let this happen?

TicklemePaige22: Me? Ur the one who told me that I should stay away!

OperaLuver: I stayed away from Mira because I had to. And I didnt mean sleep with Seth Elsen for fucks sake! What if you get pregnant to?

TicklemePaige22: I'm on the pill he used a condom and I bought the plan b pill, I think I'll be fine

MetamorphosisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora