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Chapter 30


"Holy Shit! Holy shit! What the fuck did we do?" Paige was screaming as she ran around the room wrapped in the sheet.

Seth, who had already pulled on a pair of boxers, raked his hands through his hair, "I'm pretty sure we fucked." He said, trying to sound annoyed but it just ended coming out as nervous.

Paige glared at him and tugged on her discarded underwear from behind the sheet.

"Yeah, I got that! But how the fuck did we let it happen?"

"We were drunk! It's not our faults!"

"Yes it is! Holy shit, Mira is gonna kill me when she finds out! Oh my god I am such a bad friend! What am I gonna…." She trailed off as something caught her eye, "Why the hell do you have a kitchen in your room?"

Seth shrugged, "Because I'm not technically in the house, I've been living in the guest house in my back yard for the last few years

"Oh… well back to the issue at hand. Where the hell is my bra?" Seth points and she saw it lying in the mouth of a black and white husky. She screams.

"What the fuck is that?"

The dog looked up at Paige, startled, its blue eyes peering at her curiously. Seth whistled and the animal jumped on the bed next to next to him. The boy stroked the dog's back.

"His name is Cujo." He answered. Paige retrieved her bra and put it on before dropping the sheet.

"I thought Cujo was a… never mind! What the hell are we gonna do? Should we tell Mira?" She asked, returning to her frantic self. Seth looked up at her in shock.

"Are you out of you goddamn mind? She would kill us both! And it would completely destroy her." Seth's voice lowers worriedly at that last sentence. "She can't afford that type of stress in her condition."

Paige nodded, "Right, we shouldn't tell her. Ever."

The blonde finished dressing and rushed out the door without saying goodbye.

She wanted to go home and brush her teeth and wash her body… with acid.

Mira had been lounging in her bed playing with her iPod when her phone rang from the bedside table. She reached over and picked it up to see the caller ID.

Jake Calling

She sighs and answers.

"Hi Jake"

"Hey beautiful, how are you?"

"I'm good, just laying down. How are you?"

"I'm fine, just practicing my Mozart. I don't get to be this brilliant with practice, you know?" the boy said shamelessly. Mira smiled slightly and shook her head. "So what are you doing today?"

"Nothing, I'm just gonna talk to S-" she stopped, realizing she should not have said anything.

"Talk to who?" he prompted.

"No one," she answers in her best casual voice. "What are you doing today?"

There was a pause on the other end before Jake spoke, "Mira, are you going to see Seth today?"

The girl sighed softly, "Yeah. We're gonna call the adoption agent." Jake pursed his lips.

"Is anyone else gonna be home?" he asked.

"I don't know. Probably," she answered. The boy lets out a small huff.

"Well I don't know if I'm comfortable with that." He said stiffly.

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