Little Sisters Collide

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Chapter 11

Little Sisters Collide

Seth snapped his phone closed and sighed. Mira hadn't picked up. He figured he might as well try calling Ashley. The phone rang several times before someone picked up. Unfortunately, it was her younger sister Jacquelyn.

"Hey Jackie, is-"

"No, Ashley doesn't want to talk to you Seth. When I asked earlier she just started yelling how she's not gonna date a baby daddy."


"And she keeps screaming how much she hates Mira Pascal. Isn't that Marli Pascal's sister?"

"Yeah, can I-"

"So, if I put two and two together correctly, you knocked up another girl and my sister found out?"

Seth's eyebrows rose at the twelve-year-olds bluntness. "Just tell me if Ashley's there." He said miserably. At the Warner house, the young girl smirked.

"That's a yes."

"Stay out of it, kid. Just give the phone to your sister."

"Sorry, she doesn't want to talk to you right now." Before the older boy could say another word, Jacqueline turned off the phone with a defiant click. He growled angrily and kicked his wall.

When the Pascals sat down at dinner that night, Adam noticed that everyone was acting strange. Every time he tried to start a conversation, all he got were quiet, one word answers. He immediately figured something was up.

After dinner, Mira was washing dishes when he approached her. She reached one hand back and tugs the waistband of her jeans with a small groan of discomfort.

"You ok?" he asked. She gasped and turned around quickly.

"Oh, daddy you startled me. Yeah, I'm fine. Jeans are just a little… um, tight." He smiled and ruffled her hair.

"If you say so, kiddo. Hey, I need to ask you something." He leaned back against the counter. Her eyes widened and she turned back to the sink. Did he know?

"Um, what?"

He leaned closer. "Do you know what's up with everybody tonight? They seem a little secretive. Know what's going on?" Mira shook her head quickly.

"No. I have no idea. But I'll tell you if I find out anything." He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"That's my perfect girl. Well, I'm going to bed. 'Nite princess." She smiled back weakly.

"Night daddy." As he walked out of the room, she turned back toward the sink. It would be so much easier to handle the pressure if her dad didn't call her perfect all the time.

She had always been 'daddy's little girl'. Her father had been her hero and protector. The thing she hated the most was when she disappointed him in any way. This big secret would absolutely kill him.

She picked up the sponge and wiped it across a dirty plate, and her tears washed away bits of the soapy mixture.

Marli Pascal walked into school the next day with nervousness and hope for a new day. She walked up to her locker before the bell rang and twisted to combination in her hand.

"Hey." Zack Taylor, Paige's little brother and Marli's best friend, said.

"Hey yourself." She replied. Even though Zack had a crush on Marli, she was not about to let that stand in the way of twelve years of friendship. Like his sister, Zack had blond hair. But instead of platinum, it was a darker blond with lighter natural highlights that hung down around his ears. She smiled up at him before noticing the nervous look on his face. "What's up with you?"

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