Overheard Conversations

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Chapter 25

Overheard Conversations

"Where were you yesterday?" Paige heard a voice yell from behind her. Turning away from her locker, she saw Mira standing there -hands on hips- looking pissed. "I tired to call like 6 times!"

"Did you?" Paige asked absentmindedly. "Sorry, I was busy all weekend. What's up?"

Mira squealed giddily and bounced on her heels. "Jake. Kissed. Me." She said with a wide grin.

Paige immediately forgot her current mental dilemma and slipped back into gossip-loving Paige.

"Ohmigod! He did? Is he a good kisser?"

Mira sighed dreamily and swayed on her feet, "He is a great kisser. I can't believe I found a guy that likes me even though I'm pregnant!"

Those last two words sent Paige crashing back into mental dilemma land.

"What about Seth? How does he feel about this?"

Mira rolled her eyes, "he doesn't know. And even if he did, I wouldn't care. He's slept with almost every girl in this school; I think I'm allowed to kiss one guy."

Paige shrugged, "I guess."

Mira must not have caught the softness of her tone, because she turned to her friend and said "So, do you want to get your present before Christmas break or on Christmas?"


"Your Christmas present. Do you want it on the last day before break or on the actual day?"

"Oh, um I don't know."

Mira frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. "Is there something wrong? Because I'm trying to make merry conversation and you're not in the Christmas spirit."

The platinum blonde turned back to the small mirror on her locker door and lightly dabbed at invisible lip-gloss stains on her chin. Her hazel eyes rested on the picture above the mirror.

Last May the three girls had crammed into one of those photo booths at the mall. Their heads were pressed together and big smiles were plastered on their faces.

And to think, that happy day had only happened six months ago.

"Sorry," she began in response to Mira's clearly upset statement. "I'm just… out of it. I have finals and got into a stupid fight with my parents. Got a lot of drama going on in my life right now, you know?"

Mira's face softened and she nodded. "Believe me, I know about drama."

The pregnant teen hadn't told Seth about her and Jake while at school, she wanted to tell him somewhere other than that building.

When Mira got home, she heard her mother's voice yelling from the kitchen. She walks into the room and saw Audrey leaning against the counter, phone pressed to her ear.

"No…No Mother? Mother! Could you please stop with the tirade?"

"Mother- I don't understand what that…"

"I'm not going to do that!"

"Because I'm 41, that's what gives me the right to talk to you that way!"

The older woman let out an exasperated sigh before she noticed her teenage daughter standing in the door way.

"Mom-mom! Mom! Ok, yeah I gotta go now, the cat's worshipping Satan. ok, bye bye." Audrey pulled the phone away from her ear- her mother's screaming voice still clearly audible- and turned it off. She looked at her daughter before letting out another sigh and dramatically collapsing against the island.

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