Parks and Reproduction

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Chapter 13

Parks and Reproduction

Adam's gaze shifted from one daughter to another. "Ok, what is going on here? What type of joke are you two playing?"

"It's not a joke, Adam." Audrey suddenly said, walking into the room.


"I'm pregnant, daddy."

Several uncomfortable silent seconds passed before her message truly sank in. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. Mira braced herself for screams.

Instead, Adam walked around the counter and out the back door. Audrey and Mira exchanged glances.

"Girls, go to your rooms. I'll talk to your father."


"Now Mira." Marli grabbed her sister's arm and they walked out. Matt was standing a few feet from the kitchen door.

"That went well." He said sarcastically. Mira ignored him and pulled her phone from her pocket. "Who are you calling?"


Adam stood out in his backyard, cigarette in hand, glaring angrily at the ground.

"Thought you quit smoking." He heard his wife say from behind him.

"How long have you known?" She walked up beside him.

"She just told me a couple days ago." He lets out a puff of smoke angrily.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me then?" she sighed.

"She was afraid of how you would react."

"How do you expect me to react? My sixteen year old daughter just told me she's pregnant! Jesus Christ, how far along is she? Who's the father?"

"Almost eleven weeks. And his name is Seth Elsen. They met at Shelia Collins' party." Adam abruptly turned and glared at Audrey.

"You are taking this rather well, you know that?" he snapped. She looked back with a cool stare.

"I was upset at first, and I still am. But I realized that she is scared and needs someone to be strong for her. And that someone needs to be us, Adam." He turned his back to her and ground out his cigarette.

"I'm going out." he said, taking his car keys out of his pocket.


"Does it matter?"

"What time will you be back?" he kept walking, "Adam?" he was gone.

"Are you sure they're coming?" Mira asked Seth anxiously. He sighed.

"For the thirtieth time: YES!" she glared at him.

Mira had waited for her father to leave before telling Seth that there had been a change of plans. Now the two sat on a bench at the park, waiting for his mom and step dad to show up.

"Don't yell at me, I'm pregnant!" she snapped before shivering slightly. He looked at her.

"Cold?" he asked. It was mid-October and she was only wearing jeans and a thin long sleeved shirt. She shrugged.

"A little." He smirked, pulled off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She slipped her arms through the sleeves. "Thanks." He nods and looks up in time to see a car pull into a parking spot.

"Shit, there they are," Mira looked up and saw them. He grabs her arm and they stand up. "Go hide behind that tree; come out when I tell you to."


"So you can run if they try to kill me."

"Ok, fine." She ran behind the tree. Seth's parents got out of the car and approached their son.

"Seth! What was so important you needed both of us to come here?" his mother, Carolyn Ramsey asked. She had short brown hair and light brown eyes. She had always said Seth got his looks from his biological father. Her husband of 6 years, Dave Ramsey, was about 6'4 with black hair and green eyes.

She had married Joseph Elsen when she had gotten pregnant with Seth, then after ten years of excessive drinking on both their parts; she divorced him and married Dave. She had their daughter Julie almost immediately.

"Why did you need to see us at the park?" Dave asked. The teen sighed and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Um… there's actually something I need to tell you guys. Why don't you sit down?" his parents exchanged glances and sat on the bench, still looking at him in confusion. Seth began to pace in front of the bench, trying to think of what to say.

"Ok, um…" he racked his brain for what he could say. This is not easy.

"Seth?" Carolyn asked.

"I got a girl pregnant!" he blurted. There! He said it!

"Oh my god!" Carolyn said, placing her hand over her mouth in shock.

"What!" Dave exclaimed.



"Back to who! Did you get Ashley pregnant?" Seth shook his head.

"Um, no it's… Mira you can come out now!" the two adults were shocked to see a girl with long blonde hair walk out from behind a tree. She stood beside Seth and looked at them shyly.

"Um… hi I'm-I'm Mira Pascal." The two stared at her in complete shock.

"S-seth?" his mother began.

"She's pregnant. I got her pregnant."

Carolyn fainted.

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