||CHAPTER 22||

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"Hey, Betty! Wait up!" The voice of Toni said

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"Hey, Betty! Wait up!" The voice of Toni said.

She caught up with me as I was walking down the hallway, and she turned to me saying; "we haven't talked in a while."

"Yeah" I replied, "how are you?"

"Pretty good," she told me "how are things with you and you know who?"

I blushed "they're...nice."

She bumped my shoulder "nice? That's all you got?"

"Okay, they're....satisfactory."

Toni laughed "wow, big words Betty."

We made our way to my locker, only there were hundreds of kids blocking it.

"What the hell?" I muttered, "why are they all blocking my locker?"

Toni shrugged, and Veronica came out of the crowd.

"Betty!" She said, and didn't acknowledge Toni one bit "do you know who did this?"

"Did what?" I asked, confused.

She looked at Toni "is it because of her? Are you friends with her or something?"

"Why would you care Daddy's little princess?" Toni snapped "and what the hell are you even talking about? What happened to Betty's locker?"

"You need to see for yourselves," Veronica told us.

I pushed past the two of them, and I finally saw what everyone was looking at.

The words "go to hell Serpent slut" were written on my locker in what looked like pig's blood.

I stared, petrified and shocked.

Toni was soon by my side, and she turned to me "I swear I didn't tell anyone, Betty."

"I know you wouldn't have," I said without looking at her "I only told my siblings, but they wouldn't have done this."

There was one logical explanation. 

What if someone had found out?

But the question was; who would that person be?

"I'll be right back," Toni told me before walking away.

A lump formed in my throat, and I knew that I couldn't stay here any longer.

I ran away from my locker, ignoring Veronica call my name after me.



"Why is half the lunchroom empty?" Sweetpea asked.

"I don't know, ask the President," Fangs said before he bit into his apple.

I chuckled, but Sweetpea gave a deadly look that made me stop.

Toni appeared, and she walked over to our table.

"Hey Jug, I saw some really boring looking book that you would like," she said and then winked at me.

It was our secret code, which meant she needed me for something important.

"Have fun you two, and don't make out in there for too long," Sweetpea teased. 

Fangs hit Sweetpea in the rips, and he doubled over in pain while Fangs started laughing his ass off.

I got up and followed Toni away from our table; "what's up?"

"It's about Betty," she said.

"Betty? What happened to Betty?" I said as I started worrying.

"Someone wrote 'go to hell Serpent slut' on her locker in pig's blood," she told me.

I ran a hand over my face. Shit.

"Do you know who could've done it?" I asked.

"I didn't tell anyone, and Betty said that she told her siblings, but I doubt they would tell anyone" Toni replied.

"Where is Betty?" I asked.

"Back at her locker," she replied.

The two of us went back to her locker, and once we arrived a bunch of people were in front of it.

"I swear she was just here..." Toni trailed off "shit, she probably ran off or something."

"Wait, I might know where she is," I said.

Toni and I went to the Blue and Gold room, but Betty wasn't in there.

"Would she be in the Girls bathroom?" Toni asked.

"Only one way to find out" I replied.

So for the second time this year, I went into the Girls bathroom with Toni.

She wasn't in there either.

As we walked out, I heard a voice.



"Cheryl!" Toni exclaimed and she went running toward the same girl who poured a milkshake over her head weeks ago.

"Do you know where Betty is?" Toni asked her.

"She's in the Girls locker room" Cheryl replied "I tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't let me. I saw her locker earlier, I think she's really upset."

"No duh" I muttered and Toni then hit my arm.

"Can you take us to her?" She asked.

"Of course! But wait...who the hell is he?" Cheryl said, pointing at me.

Toni gave a look asking for permisstion, and I let her know that it was okay.

"He's her boyfriend," she told her.

Cheryl studied me for a minute "oh my god, I can see it! Betty always seemed like the type to love the bad boys-"

My face was bright red.

"Cheryl!" Toni said, "we're finding Betty, remember!" 

"Oh, right" she replied, "follow me." 

Who do you think wrote that thing on Betty's locker? 

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