Chapter 84

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Chapter 84: Coming home

It's currently past midnight, in the middle of November, and I get woken up by James, who is standing next to our bed with tears streaming down his face.

"James dear, what's the matter?" I sit up and help him on my lap, where he starts sobbing into my nightgown.

It takes a while and a glass of water until James is able to talk again.

"I want Sissy, I miss her and I want her to be home," James sniffs as Harry rubs his back soothingly.

I bury my face in my son's hair.

"Don't worry, Sissy will be home very soon," I smile and place a kiss on James's head.

"But I want her now," James says sadly, new tears visible in the moonlight.

"We'll go see her tomorrow, is that okay?" Harry asks James and James nods.

After a few minutes of holding my son tightly, I ask him, "Do you want to go back to your own bed?"

He answers by shaking his head. Harry holds up the covers between us and James crawls under it and ends up in the middle. Harry lays down and I follow his example.

"Night night, James," I say and he nods, almost asleep again.

Before I fall asleep, I see how James is laying against his father while cradling his arm. I catch Harry's smile before I close my eyes and wake up to our five-year-old jumping on the bed.

"Son, it's six o'clock, why are you so awake already?" Harry asks sleepily.

"We're going to see Sissy today! Get up and then we can go!" James shouts which causes Teddy to saunter into the bedroom moments later, also not looking awake yet.

I groan and get out of the warm bed, immediately regretting my choice once the cold air finds my bare legs.

By the time we're all ready, it's half past eight and we still have to wait half an hour before the hospital opens for visitors.

I don't know how, but we managed to pass the time before James sprints down the hospital corridors to the room where Lily's laying. A few weeks ago, she got her own room as she didn't have to be under supervision all day and night. At night, a camera is turned on so they can check on her. They also told us that a nurse does her rounds a few times per night to also check on Lily and to adjust things if needed.

Lily had her breathing tube taken away last week and she's been doing amazing ever since so I've been extremely relieved to see that she's been improving a lot. What even brought a smile to my face was when Harry had skin to skin contact with her and she tried to push herself up to try and see her father's face.

By the time we're in the room, James is standing next to the incubator but he's fallen silent.

"It's okay to talk to her, James. She loves listening to you," Harry says with a smile and James presses his nose against the glass and starts talking.


A week and a half later, while James is at school and Andromeda is looking after Albus and Teddy, Harry and I are sitting at the hospital. Doctor Clay is sitting opposite us and is showing us charts of Lily's progression.

"Well, we just want to keep Lily here for another week or two just to make sure everything really is fine and that she's stable. We'll arrange for someone to help and inform you both on how to take care of her once she goes home. She's going to need a lot of extra care and a lot of rest. It's common to have someone come and check up once a week. Is that okay with you?" Doctor Clay asks after putting the papers in a file.

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