Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: The Holidays

"Ah, young love," Remus says softly after the doe gallops away.

I blush but Harry smiles.

"My mum and dad had the same Patronus, didn't they?" Harry asks Remus, still holding Teddy.

"Yes and Lily's reaction was priceless. She was shocked, and so was James, but they already knew they loved each other and we all saw that too," Remus says kindly.

"You brought Teddy?" Tonks asks, peacefully gliding towards Harry and Teddy.

"Congratulations Ginny," Remus adds before turning to Teddy.

"Thank you," I smile proudly, feeling warm inside.

Tonks and Remus look so happy, seeing Teddy again. They tell us that they're extremely grateful that we all took him in. They also wish us a happy new year and lots of fun at the party. We leave them after a long conversation. The few students left at the school, look very surprised and act as if they have to be on their best behaviour around us. After a joke Harry makes, they realise that we aren't that strict and that makes them happier too. Hagrid is also extremely happy to see us. He compliments us, he tells us that he knew all along that Harry would become an Auror.

Sadly enough, it's time for us to go home again and we thank everyone, especially Minerva. It's weird calling her that but I guess she really wants us to now, now we aren't her students anymore. She allows us to use her fireplace and with a thank you, we're gone.

"Harry! Ginny! Teddy!" Mum exclaims when we all come out of the fireplace.

"Hey Mum," I smile, brushing my hair out of my face.

"I saw your Patronus! It was beautiful dear," Mum squeals with tears in her eyes.

"It really was," Hermione says, also smiling.

"Thank you," I thank them, putting my arms around Mum, who was already hugging me.

"I was just getting everything ready for tomorrow, for when your brothers arrive," Mum says, letting go of me and hurrying off.

"So, what she means to ask is for us not to get in her way," I finish laughing.

"I really want to take a walk," I say a little later.

"Why don't you go together, I'll look after Teddy," Ron suggests, looking eager to look after Teddy.

"Fine," Harry agrees, handing over Teddy.

We walk outside and wrap my hand in Harry's which causes him to smile.

"I'm really proud of you, you know?" Harry says, breaking the silence.

"I hoped you were," I reply, blushing.

"I just hadn't expected it so soon even though we're not exactly young anymore," Harry adds, smiling to himself.

"Well, unexpected things often happen at unexpected moments," I say, realising that what I just said is quite logic.

"I know Gin, trust me," Harry laughs, giving me a small nudge.

"What?!" I say, pushing him back.

He says nothing but starts tickling me but I, unlike Harry, am extremely ticklish so that doesn't help. I fall to the ground, taking Harry with me. He groans as he falls to the ground but gets me back by shoving snow in my face. I laugh and throw some snow back.

We're literally frozen when arrive home again but when I see Ron, helping Teddy to walk, even though Teddy's doing really well already. By the time Harry and I enter the living room, Teddy has already, unknowingly, reached us and bumps into me. He looks proud.

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