Very important for the storyline! Please read!

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Don't worry, once I've uploaded this VERY important note, I will publish the next chapter as it is ready but I'm actually begging you to read the rest of this note as it is practically vital!

Everyone, this is going to be quite confusing, especially because even I couldn't work it out and I am open to suggestions, so bare with me.

As I told you all before, there will be a 3 year gap in Hogwarts years between James and Albus as it's important for further plots. You also know that James is born in October 2003 and Albus is born in March 2006.

After doing some maths, which, as proven, I am not great at, I realised that if I want the age gap to be around the three years, at least Hogwarts years, it is actually impossible. For those of you who don't get it (it took me a while to get it so I don't blame you if you're still confused), here's how I did the maths:

Born Oct. 2003
2003+11= 2014
So James would turn 11 in 2014 but as he was born in October, he would go to Hogwarts in 2015.

Born March 2006
2006+11= 2017
So Albus would turn 11 in 2017 and go to Hogwarts in 2017.

But, as I mentioned, the three year gap between the two of them is important and as you can now see, according to my maths there is only a two year gap.

Do you now see where the problem lies?

Well, I did and I saw it a little bit too late as both boys have already been born.

It doesn't matter that they are 2.5 years apart in age as that would still lead to 3 years in Hogwarts but because James is born in October and turns 11 in October, he has to wait until September next year to go to Hogwarts.

So, I thought of a few options and the one that had my preference is the next one:

I know it sounds really crazy, weird and even impossible (but when writing nothing is impossible) but that James kind of does two years of his life in one, sounds crazy right? But this way his next birthday would be his fourth birthday instead of his third, even though he would still be born in 2003. Probably still sounds crazy but don't think about it too much and just go with it ;)

I hope you all don't mind that you don't have a lot to say about it but it was the easiest way for me to choose from the options I had. The reason I chose this one is because I do want James to be 11 when he goes to Hogwarts.

Thank you for reading and hopefully understanding! And enjoy the next chapter :)


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