Chapter 62

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To celebrate the release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone exactly 20 years ago, I decided to publish a chapter❤️

Chapter 62: Are you really?

A few months have passed and everything has been going quite well.

Harry, Teddy and I have settled in quite well in the Manor. Harry found a special room on the top floor where we placed the portrait of Sirius (and usually James and Lily) and a few other personal belongings he'd rather people wouldn't accidentally come by. Teddy loves his room and the covers we brought for his bed.

I've been having conversations with Lily and James again about what it's like to live as a Potter in the Potter Manor. They tell me that Harry is lucky to have me and the other way around. Sirius often jokes about how Potter men are always attracted to ginger-haired woman.

My team and I are doing really well in the competition and it was quite funny when the commentator in the first match had forgotten that I wasn't Ginny Weasley anymore. He had a lot of people shouting and telling him that it's Potter. I saw Harry in the crowd, holding Teddy and laughing.

At first, it was in the Daily Prophet, about how I had been chosen by Harry Potter, the Chosen One himself, to be his wife. It annoyed us at first but it's starting to wear off now after a few months.

Harry's doing rather well at the Ministry too. He gets involved in bigger and harder tasks. I'm happy for him that his work is being appreciated but he often stays at work until late. I do always have Teddy but the conversation subjects are a little different to what I'm used to with Harry.

Talking about Teddy, he's made real progress on learning how to read and write. He still writes the 'e's and the 'z's in the opposite direction but we're really proud and surprised that he's such a quick learner. We've read the cartoon book loads of times so I don't know if he can really read it yet or he's just heard us read it to him that he's memorised all of the text.

What Harry and I also have started to notice is Tonks's clumsiness in Teddy. He seems to trip over the umbrella stand in the hallway every time he passes it even though he's aware of it's presence, we've often had to fix a broken tooth because he'd have fallen down the stairs again or he would knock over his glass of milk during breakfast.

It's hard to see him grow that quick. It seems like only last week that we took him in and that in one week, he's grown from a baby who had just lost his parents to a boy who has started to read and write and has two other people who have taken him in and care about him very much.

I don't think Harry and I have to worry about Teddy not being a wizard. I don't think we ever really doubted it but he's been showing small signs of magic. I once found a book, which I had put on a high shelf the night before, next to his bed when I had told him he wasn't allowed to read anymore because it was too late.

Erin seems to be really happy to be together with Scott. We've all had the pleasure to meet him a few times. He's a nice guy and I'm glad there's someone who can accept Erin for who she is as a person and not for what she turns into once in a month.


It's Sunday today which means that it's the day of the weekly dinner at The Burrow. It's usually a fun event as there's always something to talk or joke about. Erin would be coming with Scott today so I'm really curious about how he'll find it, a house full of people, laughter and friendliness.

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