Chapter 56

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Chapter 56: Early wedding plans

Over the next few weeks, Robards and Williamson really challenge me and put my skills to the test. They give me harder things to do and tell me that we would talk later on in the week.

All of the extra exercises are wearing me out but I guess it feels good to learn lots of new tactics. I'm the only one in the group with extra work so I don't know what to think of it.

"Potter, can you come with us for a minute?" Williamson asks during training on Thursday.

"The rest of you can carry on with what you were doing," Robards adds when everyone starts staring.

We walk to their office and they offer me something to drink. I decline and wait until they start talking.

"Potter. Over the past year and a half, you have shown us excellent results. I'm not sure how long it's been since we've seen anyone with these kind of results. You are aware that an Auror training usually takes three years. We would like to give you the chance, if you accept our offer, to finish your training in two years instead of three. We are in need of some good Aurors and this lot will definitely need a year extra until they become good enough. If you do accept our offer, we expect you to work hard for the rest of the year and to pass the final test every Trainee has to do to become an Auror. Do you accept our offer?" Robards tells me.

It takes me by surprise because this is anything but what I was expecting.

"I-I-Yes," I stammer.

"You would need to improve on your Potions a little bit but an Auror hardly ever works or goes on missions alone, so you would always have someone with you," Robards says.

"Yes Sir. Thank you," I say, knowing that Potions isn't my best subject.

"We will keep you updated about things you'll need to know for the test," Williamson says. I nod in reply.

"Do you have any questions?" Robards asks.

"Not at the moment," I smile, quite excited.

"Well, good luck with the rest of your training," Williamson says, smiling and standing up.


When I tell the others the news, they all react really happy and excited, all except one. I can see that Ron is pretending he's happy because I miss the true smile and the spark in his eyes, which he has when he's truly happy.

"Ron? Is there a problem?" I ask Ron, a little annoyed.

Ron doesn't reply but the fake smile on his face disappears and a sour look replaces the smile.

"It's always you isn't it? Harry Potter, the Chosen One," Ron mumbles loud enough for Hermione to gasp, Ginny to glare at him, Erin to look surprised and to hurt me.

"Would you like being me? Having a scar across your forehead, not having any parents or siblings anymore, having nightmares every night of the horrors of the war, encountering Voldemort every year since I started Hogwarts, seeing friends die before your eyes? Would you have liked that?" I say quietly, not looking up.

"Because a few years ago, I would have loved to swap with you. Now? No. I'm proud of what I've achieved, I'm happy with my godson and my fiancée, I feel happy with my best friends and I am happy that I can be myself and that you usually don't judge me or treat me differently because I'm Harry Potter. I don't know what your problem is Ron but just know that you succeeded to hurt me with that comment and that I would have done anything for you to finish your Auror training in two years too," I continue, feeling my eyes burn and my temper rise.

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