Chapter 77

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A belated Happy New Year🎉 (please read AN at the bottom☺️)

Chapter 77: Back to work

Harry's POV

It's been two and a half months since we welcomed our son, Albus Severus, into the world and I must say, they've been two hard and sleepless months. He has seemed to adjusted to our home and Teddy and James adore him.

James even gave him the teddy bear he got from Teddy. It's a blue elephant which Ginny and I got for Teddy when he came. Teddy then gave it to James when he was born and it seems like James thought Al would like it too.

Ginny and I were debating between Erin and Fleur to be Albus's godmother but we eventually decided on both. We asked Neville to be one of Al's godfathers and he happily agreed. As Sirius was my godfather, Ginny and I agreed on asking him to be Al's other godfather. When asking him, we didn't tell him Al's full name, as it may have caused a little anger. Once he was gone to celebrate, Mum stayed behind and asked us for his full name. She smiled as the name Severus reached her ears and she thanked me for it.

After two months of helping and being there for Ginny and the rest of the family, I have to go back to work again. One of my coworkers already warned me that there is a lot to do and as Ron has left to be with Hermione before she gives birth, it's been a lot for just the few people left in our group.

"Good luck," Ginny smiles as she presses a kiss on my lips, holding Albus in her arms.

"Thank you, you too," I reply and pick up James, who is running at me.

"Bye Daddy," he smiles, grabs my face with his small hands and gives me a wet kiss.

"Bye James, be good for Mummy," I tell him and he nods angelically.

"Good boy. I love you," I smile and give him a kiss on his cheek.

I put him down and turn to Teddy.

"I love you too buddy," he smiles as I ruffle his hair.

"I love you too," Teddy replies and gives me a hug.

I then stroke Al's cheek and go to put on my cloak. When I have my cloak, I get my case with the files and go to the fireplace.

After giving Ginny one last kiss, I Floo to the Ministry.

While walking to my department, I get greeted by several people and I friendly greet them back.

When I get to Auror department, Dave greets me with a smile.

"It's good to have you back Auror Potter," he laughs.

"It feels good to be back too," I reply and put the case on the table of my office.

"How is the little one?"

"He's doing well, he's gotten accustomed to us all and James and Teddy adore their little brother too," I tell him and Dave smiles.

"That's nice. So, you asked if I could help you sort out the files?" Dave asks, nodding at the case.

"If you want to," I smile while opening it.

"Of course I do! I still owe you after saving me on that trip!" Dave exclaims and takes a seat.

"That was nothing," I wave off.

"Do you want to tell my friends and family that? If you hadn't, they would all have lost a friend or family member," Dave smiles and holds out the seat next to him.

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