Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Happy birthday Harry

Ginny's POV:

It's Harry's birthday and I've been awake for quite a while already. I've been watching him sleep but I've also been busy thinking how I would let Harry think that nobody has thought about his birthday. I know it sounds mean but it's supposed to be a surprise and surprises are meant to be kept as secrets until it's the right moment to tell.

I had just thought of one when Harry wakes up.

"Morning," Harry says with a sleepy face.

"Morning," I reply,  trying not to show how much energy I have in me.

"I'm going downstairs, are you coming?" I ask, throwing the covers off the bed and making my way to the door.

"I'll have a shower first, if you don't mind," Harry replies, nearly falling asleep again, not aware yet that it's his birthday. This had actually been the response I'd been hoping for so I have the time to warn the others.

"Okay, I'll see you downstairs," I say, already in the hall.

I close the door behind me so Harry won't hear me talking to Mum.

"Mum, he's awake so try to show him you've forgotten about his birthday," I tell her.

As Harry walks down the stairs I can see him suddenly realising that it's his 18th birthday and being surprised that I hadn't congratulated him yet.

"Good morning Harry," Mum says with the usual smile on her face.

"Good morning Mrs Weasley," Harry greets.

When Harry just starts breakfast, Ron comes downstairs. Harry now looks  really surprised that even Ron has 'forgotten' about his birthday.

What I didn't know is that Harry could  already feel that this would be one of the worst (special) birthdays, not including the ones at the Dursleys. He had turned 18! Why would people forget.

When the sun starts shining around 10ish and nearly everyone is awake, I ask Harry to go for a walk as part of plan A. He agrees, probably hoping to take his mind off the fact that no one has congratulated him yet.

Short Third Persons View:

Just as Ginny and Harry walked in to the forest, probably heading to the lake at about a 30 minute walk, Mrs Weasley called all the Weasley's and Hermione to come and help now that Harry was gone.

"I do feel rather guilty not congratulating Harry on his eighteenth birthday," Mrs Weasley said sadly.

"Oh don't Mum, Harry will understand when he sees what we have done for him," George said, giving his mum a hug.

- Meanwhile in the forest -

Ginny's POV:

"Ginny, where are we going?" Harry asks after walking for 25 minutes.

"You'll see soon," I answer, being a bit suspicious.

I am also feeling very guilty for not congratulating my boyfriend but I can get over it by thinking that it will be over soon.

We carry on walking, holding hands, saying nothing. When we approach the lake, I push Harry, causing him to fall.

"Hey, what was that f..." Harry asks before being cut of by a long kiss.

"I love you Harry," I say, following my feelings, giving him another kiss. I have never said this to him before so I'm scared at how he will react.

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