Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: Erin's secret and Ginny's surprise

"Erin!" I call, she turns around and waits until we catch up with her.

"Erin, can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask.

"Yeah sure," Erin replies unsure.

I ask her to follow me to a place where no one will be able to hear us. I give Ginny an assuring nod, to say that everything's alright.

"Erin? Why were you in the Hospital Wing?" I ask to start with.

"Well, umm, I- I wasn't fe-feel-ling re-really w-we-ll," Erin stutters.

"Look, don't worry but you seem to go there one every month and if I'm correct, with every full moon? Erin, are you a-a-a" I stutter.

"Yes, I am a werewolf," She says quietly, hanging her head.

"You shouldn't be ashamed of it! One of my friends and before one of my teachers was a werewolf, you can't help it, can you?" I ask.


"Why didn't you tell us?" I ask again, probably knowing the answer.

"I was scared that you wouldn't want to be friends anymore because friends are something I really need, someone spilled my secret to everyone at my other school and they all hated me. The way I loved playing with Teddy, I was scared you wouldn't let me play with him if you knew that I am actually a monster," Erin cries.

"Don't cry, we would never do that to you, you also mean really much to us," I say.

"But you were already friends since your first year here and you all have you friends here, I came here without any real friends," Erin continues.

"Well, to be honest, I wasn't really sure if I wanted to return here but I eventually did. But you mean a great deal to Ginny, you know. Nearly all her friends decided not to return because of all the memories. She really loves you as a friend!" I assure Erin.

"Really?" Erin asks surprised.

"Really! Now, shall we go upstairs?" I ask.

"Yeah! But please promise me you'll not tell the others!" Erin asks quickly.

"I promise!" I promise.

Ginny's POV:

Harry gives me an assuring nod so I know I can trust him. We continue walking upstairs.

"What the bloody hell does Harry want from Erin?" Ron exclaims loudly.

"Ron! Calm down!" Hermione cries.

"Ron, I trust him so you should too!" I say, calming him down.


After ten minutes, Harry walks in with a red eyed Erin. I think she's been crying.

"I think we should go to class or we'll be too late!" Hermione suddenly exclaims.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" Ron replies, a little panicked.

Since when has Ron panicked about being late for class! Probably Hermione's doing.

We quickly gather our school stuff, put it in our bag and run to class. I realise that I have Astronomy, with Teddy and without Harry. I quickly give Harry a kiss and then run with Hermione and Teddy in his carrier to the main Tower.


We meet again in our free period. Harry and I give Teddy some extra attention because he won't be receiving that much from us after the day after tomorrow.

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