Chapter 12

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I've got a question for y'all:
Would you like me to keep making long chapters but only update like once or twice a week of would you want me to make shorter chapters and update more often?
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Now back to the story again.

Chapter 12: Ginny's birthday part 1

* 10th of August*
We all wake up with Mrs Weasley looking furious.

"What's the matter mum?" George asks innocently, just like Ginny the day before.

"Well," Mrs Weasley starts. "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY THE BASEMENT IS FILLED WITH WATER AND SOAP??" Mrs Weasley screeches.

"Eumm eumm," everyone says, looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

Luckily Mr Weasley saves us by coming downstairs, also looking innocent.

"Arthur?" Mrs Weasley asks, turning towards her husband.

"What?" Mr Weasley asks.

"Explanation? Water, basement?" she replies, looking rather angry.

"Kids, go outside or something, I'll explain," Mr Weasley says, shooing us away.

Mr Weasley explains and luckily calms Mrs Weasley down a little bit.

After having talked, Mrs Weasley makes breakfast for everyone. She acts as if nothing has happened. We're all really happy about that.

"Who wants to play a game of Quidditch?" I suddenly ask when everyone has finished breakfast.

"I sure am!" Ron and George answer, looking enthusiastic.

"Yeah! Bill are you playing too?" Ginny replies, looking at her brother.

"Well, okay!" Bill answers, before taking a sip of his tea.

It takes a while for Ginny, Ron and me to convince Hermione to play.

"Shall we play with one Seeker, one Keeper and one Chaser?" George asked.

"Sure, we'll pick teams when we're on the field," Ginny says, quickly shoving a slice of bread in her mouth.

Everyone is talking about the teams and well, you couldn't exactly say they were fair.

"The team captains will be Bill and Ginny," George announces.

"I pick Harry," Ginny immediately shouts.

"Wow, that's clear," George says, covering his ear.

"I choose George," Bill says, looking a little disappointed about Ginny having chosen me.

"Well, I choose Ron," Ginny says a little more quiet, not wanting to deafen George again.

"Well, Hermione! Welcome to the boys team," Bill says, welcoming Hermione to the 'perfect' team.

"DAAAAAD!" Ginny shouts, nearly deafening George again.

"What's the matter, did anyone die?" Mr Weasley says, hurrying out of the house. Everyone laughs, even George.

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