Chapter 58

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Chapter 58: A travel through time

Third persons view:

After everyone's conversation with Fred, they seemed to be less upset. Fred had told Harry not to blame himself for everything and that he should enjoy life more because before he knew it, it would have passed. George had promised Fred that he would visit lots to talk and think of new things for the joke shop. Fred had also told George not to grieve any more and to continue with what they started.

Molly and Arthur had been so happy to see their son that they decided not to avoid going to Hogwarts or the subject 'Fred' anymore. They enjoyed seeing George happy again and that took away a part of their worries.

The good thing was that the whole sphere inside the Burrow seemed to brighten up. George could be seen more often because he didn't hide in his room or his shop anymore, Molly wasn't always as close to tears anymore and Arthur dared to open the foto albums from the past again. Together, they would all laugh about pictures of Fred and George as innocent and young pranksters and pouring water over people's heads, scaring people (especially Molly because she jumped easily), dressing up in silly clothes and lots of other things.

Harry, Ginny and Teddy made trips to Hogwarts once a month so Teddy could see his parents once in a while. Both Tonks and Remus really appreciated that and they were really happy to see the improvement Teddy had made with talking. He still couldn't pronounce the 'r' perfectly or say long words and sentences but for a three year old, it was relatively good.

As well as talking to Remus and Tonks, Harry had decided to talk to his parents and godfather more often too. He asked them for tips on becoming an Auror, James and Lily told Harry funny stories about their time at Hogwarts and told Harry that he was a very entertaining and funny baby. Harry, in return, told them year by year about his own time at Hogwarts, at least the things he hadn't told them before. He often mentioned his fiancée and his godson. All three of them, but especially Lily, complimented Harry on how well he took care of Teddy and the loving way he talked about Ginny. James often made jokes about the redheads which would end in Lily swatting him, James yelping and Harry and Sirius laughing. "This is what would happen daily when we were at school," Sirius would tell Harry as they watched James and Lily. Ginny sometimes joined the gang, at times Harry requested her to or at times she wanted to have a conversation with Lily alone. They would talk about some girl problems, about the progress Harry's making, both mentally and in Auror training. Lily often asked to see Teddy. She would try and act as if she wasn't just a painting. Teddy would laugh about the jokes James made and would smile at the compliments Lily gave him. One time, Sirius told Harry that he felt bad for not being the godfather Harry was for Teddy. Harry then told Sirius that it really wasn't a great deal and that the time they did have together, Harry really enjoyed the thought that he had a godfather.

Harry had to work extremely hard and long to learn for his final Auror exam. He worked hard on improving his Potion skills and managed to get an Acceptable for one of his potions. Harry took extra lessons just to learn to make potions. He was open to advice from Hermione, Lily and Molly and after several weeks, he finally started to get the hang of it and realised that it wasn't really that difficult. It was kind of similar to cooking but a little more precise. He received lots of help and attention from Williamson when he didn't have to train the rest. Harry's reaction speed improved impressively after duelling with different trained wizards. He did often get himself into the infirmary but he blamed himself for not being quick enough to defend himself.

On the day of Harry's exam, he was very nervous. He had to do a practical and a theoretical part. The practical part entailed making a potion, producing a Patronus, working under a certain amount of pressure and doing a difficult obstacle course. Harry produced the Patronus without any difficulty and finished the course under the time limit. The potion didn't go exceptionally bad, at least not after all the extra lessons and tips he received. The exam on the paper didn't go bad either. Harry had remembered most of the things he had learnt from both Professor Lupin/Remus and Williamson.

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