Chapter 78

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Chapter 78: Head Auror?

"Harry?!" Ginny calls as I'm getting ready for work.

"Yes?" I walk into our room.

"I was cleaning the space under our bed and I came upon this notebook. Would you care to explain?" Ginny holds up the leather notebook which I remember writing in in third year.

I burst out laughing and Ginny has a smile playing on her lips too.

"I- eumm- I started writing stories about Ron and Hermione after they had an argument in third year," I turn red and awkwardly rub my neck.

Ginny flips through the pages before being unable to contain her laughter anymore.

"We are never showing them these stories! Merlin's beard Harry, did you actually write these instead of doing your assignments?" Ginny shakes her head.

"I may have," I say with a grin.

"I guess you didn't have your priorities sorted out yet then," Ginny replies which reminds me of Hermione in first year.

"Well, goodbye, I must go before you can scold me even more," I smile and give her a kiss on her cheek.

"Good luck," Ginny gives me a kiss back and follows me downstairs.

"Be good!" I shout at Teddy as I pass his bedroom.

I say goodbye to James and Albus too before I Floo the Ministry.

"Good morning, Auror Potter," I get greeted by several people before I enter my office.

I see an envelope on my desk so I hang my cloak on the peg, put my bag down and sit down to open it.

Dear Auror Potter,
Auror Williamson and I would like to speak to you somewhere this week before your well deserved holiday. It is rather important so we would prefer to see you today or tomorrow. Just send a note back with your chosen date and time.
Auror Robards

I have a look at my planner and see that I have a free spot just before my lunch break. I quickly send Robards a note and then get to the files.

After working hard on a case and almost having it finished, I jump when I feel a nudge. Of course it's the piece of parchment on which I wrote the planned meeting with Robards and Williamson.

I lock my office and walk down the corridor to Robards's office.

I knock on the door and wait until Williamson opens it.

"Potter, please come in," he smiles and I take a seat opposite them.

After declining a cup of tea or coffee, Robards starts talking.

"Well, Potter, as you may have heard, Auror Williamson has taken the offer to work in a higher position in a different Department," Robards starts.

"Yes I did, congratulations Sir."

"Thank you Auror Potter," Williamson smiles.

"He will be leaving us after the summer holidays. What you may not know, is that I have decided that after working for the Ministry for fifty years I wish to spend the rest of my life at home with my wife and do things that I haven't been able to do in my life and with my career as an Auror. I will be leaving when I have found two new people to fill our positions. That is where you come in. You see, I was wondering if you are willing enough to prove yourself to be worthy of my position as Head Auror," Robards continues, taking me by surprise.

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