The Intern

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Requested by OswinOswald-

I hope you all enjoy this oneshot, it didn't really turn out well in my opinion, but I kept deleting and rewriting this for days, so I decided to just put it out there and see what you think. Thank you to the always lovely michufer for helping me out with this chapter. You should go give this amazing person a follow! Also, thank you so much for nearly 300K reads! That's amazing, so thank you!! ♥♥


You wiped your sweaty palms against your newly acquired lab coat to dry them. Within seconds, your hands were just as wet as before and they wouldn't stop shaking. Your entire body was trembling as you nervously kept wringing your hands, walking back and forwards in front of the door. 

Today was your very first day as an intern at St Bart's hospital and you had never been so anxious about doing something before. In order to get your degree in pathology, you were required to work for a licensed pathologist in a hospital somewhere in London for a minimum of fifty-two hours before the start of your final exams. There was a lot of time pressure on all the students to get this done in time, but luckily you managed to find an internship quite quickly through an old family friend, John Watson. 

He had been nice enough to check with the management of the hospital to see if they were in need of lab- and morgue assistants after your father had told him about your career path. And to your luck, a certain Molly Hooper was willing to take you in as her intern. 

When you received the news, you were beyond thrilled and simply couldn't wait to get started, but now that you were standing in front of the workplace where you were going to work for a while, the nerves got the best of you. 

You knew you had to go in and face your fears of meeting new people, especially someone who was an expert in the same career you chose to have. You could learn so much from her which would help you get your degree, but there was also a lot of pressure to not embarrass yourself in any way and deliver good work to be proud of. This was going to be someone you would look up to, your superior. You needed to impress them and show them that you could do the job just as well as they could. And you thought you were ready to do that. Until you arrived at the hospital. 

You were torn between two decisions; running away from your anxiety and just not show up or go inside, introduce yourself and get to work. Of course, you realised if you wanted your degree, you needed to complete the fifty-two hours of work. Without that, you wouldn't even be allowed to take your exams, which you had already been studying for.

You really didn't have any other option other than going in. So, you stopped pacing and shut your eyes for just a moment, breathing in deeply a couple of times before straightening up and knocking on the door of the lab. 

You frowned at the silence that remained, thinking you got the wrong place. Just to be sure, you knocked again but also this time, there was no response. It wasn't going to hold you back, though, so you opened the door and marched inside, trying to get some confidence in your posture.

You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw a woman bent over one of the tables, wearing safety goggles and staring intently at some liquid green chemicals in a conical flask. At the sound of the door slamming shut, she jumped up and nearly stumbled over her own feet. 

Her eyes met yours and she let out a shrill laugh, clutching her heart. ''I thought you were some psycho who was going to kill me.'' She laughed. ''You scared me!'' 

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