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Requested by @MariWhoLock

Just a little warning for you all, this oneshot contains the closest thing to smut that you'll ever get from me. I was laughing so hard the entire time while writing this. Thank you so much for this hilarious request! And in case you're thinking about asking, I don't write smut XD. Thank you so much for reading everyone. It means the world. I love you all and I hope you enjoy your day ♥


Sherlock opened your laptop and easily guessed your password. He was too lazy to get his own laptop from the bedroom you two shared and you weren't home anyway. It's not like you would mind it if he used it. You had nothing to hide. 

Sherlock clicked on the browser and scanned the trending list, hoping his website would be mentioned there. Lately, the number of cases he got was getting a little low and the detective often found himself bored out of his mind. The amount of bullets in the walls had tripled and the fun yellow smiley face that was once displayed on the wall was now a scary, one-eyed pirate with bullet holes on its face that gave your little daughter nightmares whenever she saw it. Sherlock's experiments had gotten a little out of hand as well. He was no longer putting human body parts in the fridge, but now he preferred to store them in the microwave or in the dishwasher. You had to throw out countless of expensive cups and plates because you didn't notice the human eyeballs in the small container. Once you found out, it was already too late. The- what were supposed to be clean dishes- were covered in blood and little pieces of the eyeballs. That was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Desperate to keep your husband occupied and prevent him from losing his mind, even more, you even went as far as approach people on the streets to give them a small speech about the great Sherlock Holmes. It didn't take long before Sherlock received several cases and emails from people seeking help. You had hope that maybe the wall would be left unpunished. However, Sherlock deemed all the cases you had found for him boring and a waste of time. And you were back to square one.

Sherlock sighed heavily, his website wasn't even mentioned once and the newspapers seemed to be giving him less and less attention due to the lack of astonishing cases, which lead to even fewer cases. He was bored out of his mind and had nothing to do besides ruining the walls even more, which would most likely lead to Mrs Hudson kicking him out. You had gone to the supermarket, taking your daughter with you and since John and Mary were still on their honeymoon, he had no one to complain to. 

He chewed on his thumbnail as he scoured the internet, looking for something to occupy his mind. After what felt like hours of searching, he ended up on a website he had never heard of before. The white letters stood out against the orange background and the detective was lured in. It only took a few minutes before he was hooked on the creative website. He looked at endless amounts of online books in every genre he could find until he found something that instantly caught his attention. As he looked at the long list of hits of his search, he grew more and more confused. There were countless books about him. He discovered he had quite a large fanbase who called themselves 'Sherlockians'. At first, he was intrigued, then he was disturbed. Very, very disturbed. As he continued looking, he stumbled upon a few books that were about you and him. His curiosity took over and he found himself clicking on one of them.

'Heated Love

Chapter 1

His eyes locked with hers and it was as if time stopped. No one else was there, just him and her. Sherlock had always been against the whole idea of being in a relationship and loving someone, but there was something about (Y/N) that he simply couldn't resist. Whether it was her glistening (E/C) eyes or her perfectly shaped lips as she smiled at him, he had no clue. But he was no longer focused on that. All that mattered was the building tension between them as they continued looking at each other. (Y/N) and Sherlock both knew that it was only a matter of time before one of them would give in. The only mystery was who would be the one to break the ice.'

A smile tugged at Sherlock's lips as he read the words on the screen. He couldn't help but enjoy the fic immensely. It had been a little odd when he started reading, but that sensation soon disappeared and he started to enjoy himself as he read about the steamy exchange between the two of you. Before he even realised it, he was hooked and couldn't keep himself from reading more.

'Ever since the two met, things had been tense between them, but the recent events made it even harder for the detective to ignore that. He had nearly given into the temptation. Every fibre in his body craved to touch her in ways he had never done before. He wanted to be able to call her his, but he simply couldn't take the first step. He had always been so against sentiment and hadn't been afraid to state his opinion publicly. If he were to give in, his reputation would be ruined and no one would ever believe a word he'd say. In his mind, he was screaming. The intense look she had in her eyes as they kept staring at each other in silence was killing him and he had to do something about it. He wanted her and he wanted her bad. In a split second, he had made up his mind and she could clearly see it in the way his posture suddenly changed. The both of them were aware what was about to happen, the moment they had been waiting for.

Sherlock suddenly jumped up from his chair and pulled her up from hers, leaving her slightly shocked, yet amused. ''You have no idea what you're doing to me.'' He growled. (Y/N) smirked. ''Oh, I believe I do.'' She said seductively. His lips crashed against hers in a...'

''What are you reading?'' You wondered, looking at the screen. Sherlock jumped in fright, closing the lid of your laptop. He was so engrossed in the story, he hadn't heard you come in. His face became a bright red colour as he struggled to form proper words. ''Well- uh, I was bored and- uh, I went on this website to- uh, read stuff.'' He stammered, avoiding your gaze. A giggle escaped your lips as you playfully shook your head. ''You have found the fanfiction they write about us, haven't you?'' You laughed. His head shot up, eyes locking with yours. ''You know about that?!'' He exclaimed. You shrugged. ''I got bored one day.'' You placed the grocery bags on the floor and set down your daughter next to her dollhouse. ''So which one were you reading?'' You wondered, sitting down on the arm of his chair. He opened the laptop. ''Heated Love.'' He answered. ''Oh, that's a good one.'' You smirked. 

Leaning down a little, your lips were just inches away from his ear. ''How about we re-enact the special scene from chapter three?'' You had never seen Sherlock jump up so fast. 

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