I'm Here For You

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Warning:  Contains spoilers for Sherlock season 4! 


It was hard to move on. Everyone had trouble moving on but John had the hardest time of all. You were staying at his house to help him with whatever he needed. You took care of Rosie, prepared his food, made sure he was actually eating his food and other things. You were trying so hard to help John but he just wasn't cooperating. He hadn't spoken a single word and he hadn't left his bed since Mary's death and it was killing you to see him like this. You and John have known each other since childhood. He became the brother you always wanted to have but never got. You have been through so much together and you'd do anything to cheer him up just a little.

You sat next to him on the bed and sighed. ''I know you're hurting, John. We all are. It's difficult for all of us. Mary wouldn't want you to stay in bed all day, Mar wouldn't want you to ignore everyone despite their efforts to help you! It's frustrating to see you like this, John! I love you and I want to help you but you won't let me. We've known each other for over twenty years. You can talk to me.'' You tried to get just one word out of him. John just kept staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. ''Think about Rosie. Think about your daughter, John. She needs you. I can't take care of her forever! She needs you, not me. You.'' Tears started to make their way down your cheeks. You hadn't cried since the day you heard the news of Mary's death. You had to stay strong for John and Rosie so you kept it all inside, but you stayed strong for too long and you couldn't do it any longer. ''(Y/N).'' You turned your head slightly and looked straight into John's eyes. He sat up and brought you in for a tight hug.

''I don't know what to do without her, (Y/N).'' He sobbed. You dried your own tears and hugged him back. ''I'm here for you. You know that, right?'' You mumbled against his shoulder. ''I know that, (Y/N). Thank you for staying here and taking care of us for these past few weeks.'' He replied. You both pulled away from the hug and John dried his tears. ''I want to see my daughter. Where is she?'' He asked. You got up from the bed and smiled, ''I'll go get her for you.'' You went to Rosie's nursery and carefully took her out of the crib. Luckily, she didn't wake up and start crying again. You took her to John's bedroom and handed her over to him. He kissed her small head and smiled softly. ''You look just like your mommy.'' He whispered to her. ''She does.'' You said.

It took a few more weeks for John to get out of bed. You kept supporting him and you took care of him, Rosie and the house. He did talk more and you always ate dinner together in the bed. You missed your old life. You missed your own house, your boyfriend, your dog and your family. John, of course, realised that you wanted to go home.

''Can we talk, (Y/N)?'' You stopped cleaning the kitchen and turned around, eyes widened in surprise. ''You're out of the bed.'' You pointed out. John smiled slightly and nodded. ''Go home, (Y/N).'' You opened your mouth to say something but John was first, ''I know that you miss your home. I don't want to force you to stay here. I'm a grown man and I should act like one. Thank you for everything that you've done for me and Rosie but I got it. You should go home and continue with your own life and that's also what I have to do.'' He explained. You dropped the cleaning equipment and hugged John tightly. ''Thank you.'' You whispered. You packed your bags later that day and went back home. You and John still hung out at least once a week and he was finally starting to get better.


This was requested by Spaghettification

Thank you all so much for 20,6K reads! I can't believe that this book has so many. I hope you enjoyed this imagine. I'm sorry if it's not very good, I've been trying to write something good for days now and I have so much trouble with just putting a single word on a page. It's annoying! I'm still taking requests so if you have on and you'd like me to write it for you, don't forget to PM me or leave a comment and I'll see what I can do for you <3! Thank you all so much for reading/voting and for all your lovely comments. I love reading your opinions and reactions! Don't forget to enjoy your day! Love you all xx. 

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