I'm Sorry

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Requested by PrincessPeach211 


Relationships are hard work to maintain a healthy environment. It takes effort, time and willingness to actually make something out of it. It's exhausting at times, but if there's a true connection between two people then, in the end, it will all be worth it. You see, if everything would be easy then there wouldn't be any fun in doing something. Why would you want to be bored all day and live a dull life? Sure, sometimes it's nice when things are going the way you want them to without much effort, but after a while, it's going to get boring and then things go south. And that's exactly what happened in your relationship with the one and only consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes.

''I can't believe you would do this, Sherlock!'' You yelled loudly, anger clouding your rational thinking. ''Well, I wouldn't have done it if you wouldn't be so boring to be with!'' He shot back. ''Excuse me?!'' The hurt was evident in your voice, but it didn't seem to faze Sherlock at all. It was like all the love he once felt for you had disappeared. ''You heard me, (Y/N).'' He rolled his eyes and sat down in his chair. He couldn't be bothered to continue this argument. ''Sherlock, we're discussing this!'' You stated, standing in front of him. ''We already have discussed this multiple times and I'm in no mood to do it again.'' The fact that he was no longer willing to fight for a healthy relationship was like a bullet in your heart. You loved the detective with all your heart and things were perfect in your relationship for a very long time, but after a while, things weren't as exciting anymore. It was like the spark between the two of you was gone completely. There was no chemistry in your relationship anymore and neither one of you tried to reawaken that spark. Your relationship had been so easy to maintain that you had both grown lazy. You both didn't put a lot of effort into your relationship because previously, that wasn't at all necessary, things happened naturally. It lead to the both of you seeking fun and excitement in other stuff. You went back to painting and Sherlock took more and more cases to keep himself entertained. You didn't join him anymore and he didn't support you in your art anymore. The two of you didn't do much together and rather did something on your own. You had started to grow apart and now that you had finally realised that, it could already be too late. There was nothing left in your relationship that could keep the both of you going.

The boredom of your relationship got so suffocating that Sherlock went as far as reaching out to an old flame, Irene Adler. He didn't cheat on you, he would never be able to hurt you like that no matter how dull your relationship got, but he did spend a lot of time with The Dominatrix. You felt betrayed and hurt. You simply couldn't believe he would choose her over you. It got harder and harder to stay sane in your relationship with Sherlock and you reached your limits.

''I'm done, Sherlock.'' You stated, tears filling your (E/C) eyes. You didn't give him the chance to reply before you rushed to the bedroom to pack your stuff. When you returned to the living room you met the pained eyes of Sherlock. He gently grabbed your wrist and forced you to look at him. ''Please, stay.'' He whispered. You smiled sadly and shook your head. ''I can't. You and I don't work anymore and I'm sick of pretending that we do. I'm sorry, Sherlock. Goodbye.'' His hand loosened around your wrist as a stinging ache filled his chest. You pulled your hand back and left without looking back. You simply couldn't keep doing this anymore. You were too hurt to make this relationship work. It was too exhausting to keep going, especially when Sherlock wasn't willing to work for it either.


Your phone rang, causing you to drop your paintbrush out of fright. You placed your hand on your racing heart and laughed at yourself. ''I'm such an idiot.'' You muttered to yourself, a small smile on your lips. Painting had been an escape ever since you and Sherlock broke up. It was incredibly hard to stay away from him and keep your mind from wandering to memories you shared with him, but your art offered you some consolation. You hastily wiped your hands on a towel before rushing back to the phone. ''Hello?'' You answered. ''Good afternoon. Am I speaking to Miss (Y/L/N)?'' A kind, female voice wondered. ''Yes, this is she.'' You replied, confused. ''I have you registered as the person to contact in emergencies for someone named Sherlock Holmes. Is that correct?'' All kinds of horrible situations raced through your mind as your shaking hand went up to your mouth. ''Y-Yes.'' You stammered. ''Mr Holmes is in critical condition, Miss. He attempted suicide, but didn't succeed. The ambulance got there just in time and took him to the hospital. He was awake for a moment and requested you'd visit him as soon as possible.'' The woman furtherly explained. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you fought to contain your sobs. Breaking up with him was a tough decision and you never stopped loving him. ''I'll be right there. Thank you.'' You ended the call and rushed outside, not bothering to grab your coat or lock the door.

You ran up the stairs and within seconds, you reached the room where he was staying at. With trembling hands, you slowly opened the door. Your heart sank as your eyes registered the scene in front of you. The bandages wrapped around his arms and stomach nearly matched his hauntingly pale skin. The only colour in the room were the bright wires attached to his body and the single blue chair next to the bed. The only visible movement was the rising and falling of his chest as he took slow, deep breaths. A sob escaped your lips as you let yourself collapse onto the uncomfortable plastic chair. Your hand found its way to his and you held it tightly. His skin was stone cold and if it wasn't for the beeping heart monitor and the movement of his chest, you would be convinced he was dead. Your other hand gently stroked his dark hair that stood out against the perfectly white pillow as you patiently waited for him to open his eyes.

After what felt like an eternity, he slowly started to wake up. A soft groan escaped his chapped lips and his head automatically leant into your touch. His eyes soon opened and met your gaze. ''Hi.'' You whispered, smiling sadly. ''Hi.'' He croaked. Silence filled the room and the tension between the two of you could be cut with a knife. After a while, you both couldn't keep it in anymore. ''I'm sorry.'' You both blurted out at the same time. A small smile appeared on his face and he pinched your hand. ''I really am sorry, (Y/N).'' He whispered, staring guiltily at you. You nodded. ''I know. So am I.'' An awkward silence filled the room again, but neither of you could be bothered by it. You were just glad to be in each other's presence again. It's what you both had missed more than anything.

Relationships are hard work, but if the love is real, it is worth fighting for.

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