Worse Than Nicotine

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Requested by the_Writing_Bear

Song: Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco

I'd like to apologise for not being as active in this book and for the poor quality of this oneshot. I have been mainly focussing on my SherlockxReader fic. The story is taking some exciting turns and I'm extremely into writing it right now. I'd be more than happy if you'd check that book out. It's called Dark Secrets and it's available on this Wattpad account. I would love to hear your opinions on it. Thank you ♥


Cross my heart and hope to die

Burn my lungs and curse my eyes

I've lost control and I don't want it back

I'm going numb, I've been hijacked

It's a fucking drag

''Good morning, Sherlock.'' You greeted cheerily as you entered his flat. He turned from his position of staring at the wall and faced you, flustered about your sudden visit. ''(Y/N)!'' He exclaimed, trying to hide his suddenly pink cheeks. ''What are you doing here?'' You shrugged and walked over to him, casually touching his hand with yours. ''Working on a case again?'' You wondered as you stared at the pictures on the wall, some connected by red threads and others organised using coloured pins. Sherlock's gaze travelled to your hand that brushed against his. He bit his lip and tried to slow down his racing heartbeat. ''Y-Yes.'' He stuttered, mentally slapping himself for letting down his guard. ''Well, I'll leave you to it then.'' You smiled brightly and pressed a quick kiss on his lips. ''Bye, Sherlock.'' You winked and then left his flat.

I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you

So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do

Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine

Sherlock paced the room. All he could think of was you. He hated it. You were playing a game with him and he was aware of it, but he couldn't bring himself to force you to stop or call you out on it. He hated it, but he loved it. He was madly in love with you, a new type of emotion for Sherlock Holmes. It confused him immensely and he tried to get rid of the feeling, but to no avail. You were something different, something he had never encountered before. It was what attracted him to you in the first place. And after getting to know you and figuring you out a little bit, he became more and more intrigued by you. It was the way you thought, the way you carried yourself and especially the cloud of mystery that seemed to envelop you wherever you went. You were the biggest case he had ever tried to solve and it infuriated him that he couldn't figure you out completely.

It's better to burn than to fade away

It's better to leave than to be replaced

I'm losing to you, baby, I'm no match

I'm going numb, I've been hijacked

It's a fucking drag

You made your way up the stairs to 221B once again. You were bored, so you decided to visit Sherlock and have some fun. It was always great fun hanging out with him. Especially since you figured out he had a crush on you. ''Good morning, Sherlock.'' You greeted him the same way you always did when you visited him. ''(Y/N), back so soon?'' He inquired, not opening his eyes. You knew he was trying to play it cool and that caused you to smirk. Sherlock Holmes really was a special something, you couldn't deny that. ''I always come back.'' You retorted. ''Hmm, yes, but you usually take a day or two before you return.'' He pointed out. You shrugged and sat down in the unoccupied chair. ''I like coming here.'' You stated, smirking as you noticed a faint red colour coating his cheeks. ''I like it when you come here, too.'' The detective admitted, his eyes finally open. A wide smile spread on your face and you felt a weird sensation in your stomach. He winked dramatically and smirked. Two could play at this game.

I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you

So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do

Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine

Over the past few months, Sherlock's feelings for you had only grown. And he wasn't the only one. It started out as a fun game for you to relieve you of your boredom, but it had become so much more. You had fallen for the Consulting Detective and there was no denying it. Hanging out with you had become Sherlock's addiction. He couldn't get enough of you and was always looking forward to seeing you again. If it took too long, he'd grow desperate to see you. It was worse than his drug addiction had ever been and worse than his nicotine addiction had ever been. He craved being with you and ever since you kissed him, he craved your touch.

He hoped that one day he would be able to call you his, but he knew it was unlikely. You were extraordinary, special and mysterious. Why would you ever love him as strongly as he loved you? In his mind, it was impossible, but in yours, it was the exact opposite. You wanted Sherlock as much as he wanted you, but you were afraid of taking the first step. At first, you wouldn't have minded doing that, but ever since feelings started playing a role, that changed.

Just one more hit and then we're through

Cause you could never love me back

Cut every tie I have to you

Cause your love's a fucking drag

But I need it so bad

Your love's a fucking drag

But I need it so bad

Like you did nearly every day, you walked up the stairs to 221B. ''Sherlock.'' You called as you entered the flat. ''Kitchen.'' He shouted back. You followed the sound of his voice and soon found yourself staring at the detective. Your cheeks reddened and no sensible words came out of your mouth. ''Good evening, (Y/N).'' He smirked. He hadn't planned this, but you did choose an excellent time to visit. ''I would apologise about my current state, but you seem to be enjoying it.'' He chuckled. Your cheeks became a brighter red colour as you tried to look away. You were having a hard time looking anywhere else than the detective who was only wearing a sheet to cover himself. ''This is so unfair.'' You mumbled. Sherlock laughed. ''Admit it, (Y/N). I beat you at your own game. Maybe Mycroft was right after all. Sentiment truly is a chemical defect found on the losing side.'' He stated. You turned to him and stepped closer. ''And  on the winning side or so it would seem.'' You whispered, staring directly into his eyes. 

Sherlock's hand shot up to the back of your neck as he pushed you against him, kissing you with all the passion he had tried so hard to hide. You kissed him back, gripping the sheet tightly in your hands. ''Why didn't we do this sooner?'' You panted after having pulled away. ''I have no clue.''

Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine

Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine

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