A Date~Part 2.

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Your POV

You were still walking after two hours and you had no clue of where you were. You were tired and cold and you just wanted to go home. You looked around to find a cab but you didn't see one. You sighed and continued walking to another street. Suddenly you felt a few drops of water on your skin and you started walking quicker, trying to find shelter before the rain would drench you. A black limousine pulled up next to you and you stopped walking. A window opened and you saw the familiar face of Mycroft Holmes. ''Would you like to get in the car?'' He asked. You shook your head and said, ''No, I don't want to bother you. You're busy man.'' Mycroft opened the door on the other side of him and gave you a genuine smile. ''You don't bother me, (Y/N). Please come in.'' You looked up at the sky and your clothes who were getting wetter with each second passing. You sighed and walked over to the other side of the car and got in.

''Where do you want to go?'' He asked you. ''Home.'' You said bluntly. Mycroft gave the chauffeur the address and the car started driving. No one said anything and it was really awkward. You felt tears stinging your eyes and you quickly blinked them away but Mycroft had already seen them. ''Why are you crying?'' He asked, already knowing the answer. ''Deduce it, Mr. Holmes.'' You said, still fighting the tears from falling. Mycroft sighed and placed his hand on your knee. ''I'm sorry, (Y/N).'' You stared into his eyes and you felt the butterflies in your stomach again. ''It's okay.'' You whispered. ''No it's not.'' He whispered, leaning closer to you. ''Yes it is.'' You also leaned forward and your faces were just a few inches away from each other. You stared into his beautiful, sparkling eyes and you felt your cheeks burn. Mycroft obviously saw this and chuckled slightly before closing the gap and connecting your lips together. You were stunned for a second before kissing him back. You pulled away to catch your breath and Mycroft did the same. ''Can I ask you something?'' Mycroft asked. ''You just did.'' You said with a smile on your face. ''Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow evening?'' He tried to keep his usual emotionless expression but he was failing miserably. ''I-I would love to!'' You exclaimed. ''I'll pick you up at 7 PM.'' You nodded and noticed his hand that was still on your knee and blushed again. The car stopped driving and Mycroft leaned over you and opened the car door on your side. It was still raining heavily but you wouldn't get too wet if you ran to the door. ''I'll see you tomorrow.'' He said. You pressed a kiss on his cheek and got out of the car. ''Hold on.'' He said before you closed the door. ''Take this.'' He handed you his umbrella and you took it gratefully. ''Thank you Mr. Holmes.'' You winked and closed the door with a loud thud and ran to the apartment door with the umbrella above your head.

The Next Day...

You were in front of the mirror in the bathroom, fixing your hair for your date when the bell rang. You opened the bathroom door slightly and shouted, ''Sherlock, please get that.'' You heard Sherlock groan as he made his way downstairs to open the door. You just started to apply your makeup when you heard Sherlock and someone else entering the apartment. ''What are you doing here, Mycroft. I'm not supposed to give you any information until next week so why are you here?'' You could hear Sherlock say. ''I'm not here for you, brother dear.'' You heard Mycroft say. You smiled and checked if your makeup looked good before walking out of the bathroom and presenting yourself to your date. ''Hi.'' You said shyly. Mycroft and Sherlock immediately turned around when they heard you and it made you blush. ''You look beautiful, (Y/N).'' Mycroft said. Your cheeks became even redder and you looked at the floor whilst mumbling, ''Thank you.'' You were wearing a red dress that reached the floor and you had black heels on. Your hair was tied in a bun and you applied some light makeup. You grabbed your purse and checked if you had everything. ''Shall we?'' Mycroft asked as held out his arm for you. You nodded and hooked your arm in his. ''Are you going to be okay working on that case alone tonight?'' You asked Sherlock. ''I'm not a child anymore, (Y/N). I can handle it.'' He said. You nodded and he gave you a small smile. You looked up to Mycroft's face and saw that he was smiling warmly at you, you smiled back and blushed again.


The dinner was lovely. The restaurant was really expensive so you felt really guilty when Mycroft insisted on paying for the entire meal. You were now sitting in the black limousine on your way back to the apartment, just chatting about the random subjects. ''I really enjoyed our date.'' You said with a smile. ''So did I.'' Mycroft leaned forward and pecked your cheek. You blushed for the fiftieth time that day and avoided his eyes. ''Why do you always look away when someone compliments you?'' He asked, already knowing the answer. You turned to face him and his eyes screamed sympathy. Mycroft cupped your face with both hands so you couldn't look away and said, ''You're beautiful.'' You searched his eyes for a hint of dishonesty but you couldn't find it. ''Thank you.'' You whispered. His hands were still on your face so you decided to take advantage of that and kissed him. He immediately kissed you back and you felt fireworks explode in your stomach. You eventually pulled back to catch your breath. ''Let's do this again soon.'' You whispered. ''I'd love to.''

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