No Longer Alone

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Requested by PrincessPeach211 


Sherlock huffed as rain drops began to fall from the sky. It always seemed to rain whenever he was outside. It was like the sky hated seeing his face and tried to keep him inside as much as possible. Toby was taking ages once again. The dog was the slowest one the detective had ever encountered and it got on his nerves sometimes. Especially during horrible weather like this. Despite Toby's slowness, Sherlock did really love him and usually enjoyed the daily walk he had with the gentle dog. It reminded him of his childhood dog, Redbeard. He had always missed having a dog, so when the Watsons got one, he immediately offered to walk the dog at least once every day. It was also a good excuse to be able to see John every day and not having to be alone in his flat all day. He missed having a roommate and being able to speak to an actual person all the time instead of his skull. He'd never admit it, but the detective was lonely and he was desperate to find someone to spend more time with. However, people usually tended to avoid him. His reputation only made it harder to find a new roommate. People didn't want to be affiliated with someone who got a lot of attention from the media and Scotland Yard. Most people preferred staying away from that and chose for living a quiet life. Sherlock had given up hope on ever finding someone as great as John. That was simply impossible to achieve and he realised that. The high expectations were crushing him and the loneliness started to become more evident in his behaviour.

Lestrade, who saw Sherlock like his son, had confronted him multiple times, but the detective always dismissed his arguments and pretended like he was fine. There was nothing anyone could do because Sherlock simply didn't let them, so they just let him be, hoping for the best. Sherlock had many people who deeply cared for him, but his lifestyle often got in the way and without even realising it, he started pushing people away. The loneliness was starting to suffocate him, but he kept a straight face and relied on the brief interaction he had with the Watsons and Toby each day. It was enough to keep him going for now.

You stared at Sherlock as he was walking Toby. You didn't know who this man was or if he had good intentions, but something about him drew you to him. You stayed far behind, but as soon as Sherlock started walking away, you followed him. When you were only five years old, your parents had abandoned you and you had lived on the streets ever since. It had only been three weeks since that painful event. You had managed to survive by food and shelter given to you by random strangers. But you craved more. You wanted a small, happy family to live with and someone who genuinely cared for you. You wanted to live in a house or in a flat again, where you could sleep in a bed every day. That was your ultimate dream and you were determined to make it come true. You continued following Sherlock, keeping a safe distance to prevent him from seeing you before you were ready to confront him. Being a shy kid had a lot of disadvantages, especially in your situation.

Sherlock looked behind him out of the corner of his eyes. He had the odd sensation that someone was following him. At first, he saw no one and simply blamed it on his loneliness, but after looking again, he noticed you. A small smile appeared on his face. He wasn't completely sure if you were following him, but he could easily test that theory. His pace picked up and you had to start running to be able to keep up with him. He suddenly stopped walking when he reached a small café, and you hid behind a trash can as you continued to watch him. After Sherlock tied Toby to a pole right next to the door, assuring the dog he'd be back soon, he entered the café, blocking your view. Without any hesitation, you went inside. The small bell above the door ringing as the door opened and shut again. ''So you are following me then.'' You jumped in fright, ready to run. Before you could do anything, Sherlock had picked you up and was staring at you intently. He quickly deduced what you were going through and his cold expression softened. ''You just wanted someone to talk to, huh?'' He asked. You nodded shyly, tears welling up in your eyes. ''My name is Sherlock Holmes and I really need someone to talk to as well.'' He admitted softly. ''What's your name?''

''(Y/F/N).'' You answered. ''Well, (Y/N), how about you and I walk the dog together today?'' He offered. A big smile appeared on your face and you nodded rapidly. ''Yes, yes, yes!'' You exclaimed. Sherlock smirked and put you back on the floor, taking your small hand in his instead. ''Let's get going then. I think the rain has cleared up.''

Your dream had finally come true. You found someone to talk to and the both of you were no longer alone after that. It's strange how one person can change your whole life, but in the end, all that matters is that you're loved. 

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