It's Time

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''SHERLOCK!'' You yelled. Sherlock appeared in front of you and gave you a confused look. ''It's time.'' You whimpered. Sherlock's mouth fell open and he froze. ''DAMN IT SHERLOCK! NOW IS NOT A GOOD TIME!'' You yelled. Sherlock zoned back and went into full-panic mode. ''You're in labour. I need to call John. You're having a baby, our baby. Now. Baby. John.'' You had never seen Sherlock behave like this and you were starting to panic even more too. ''SHERLOCK!'' You yelled again. Sherlock stopped pacing and looked at you with widened eyes. ''Get the bag and take me to the hospital.'' You said calmly. ''Yes, yes of course. You're so smart. Bag. Hospital of course.'' Sherlock ran to your shared bedroom and grabbed the bag. He rushed back to you and gently guided you down the stairs. Sherlock had control over his emotions again and he seemed calm....for now. Sherlock hailed a cab and helped you inside. ''Is she going to give birth in my cab?!'' The cabbie protested. ''NOT IF YOU HURRY UP!'' You yelled. You were in so much pain that you just couldn't take it anymore. The cabbie shut his mouth and drove to the hospital. ''I hate you, Sherlock.'' You hissed as another contraction hit you. Your eyes were shut because of the pain so you couldn't see Sherlock's hurt expression. He gently wrapped an arm around your shoulders and took your hand in his. ''Everything will be fine, Love.'' He assured. You groaned again and felt tears stinging your eyes. Sherlock grunted as you nearly broke his hand. ''Hurry up!'' Sherlock hissed to the cabbie.

Sherlock paced around the waiting room. He wasn't allowed to be there for the birth of his child. The doctors forced him to wait down here and it was driving him crazy. ''Sherlock, just sit down. (Y/N) will be fine.'' John assured. ''FINE?! SHE HAS BEEN IN THAT ROOM FOR FOUR HOURS AND I STILL HAVEN'T HEARD ANYTHING FROM THOSE BLOODY DOCTORS!'' He yelled. He was so worried that something was wrong with you or the baby that he was no longer able to control his emotions. Mary stood up and gently guided Sherlock to one of the seats in the waiting room. ''Sit.'' She said as she pushed him down onto it.

''Holmes.'' A nurse called as she entered the waiting room. Sherlock jumped up and ran towards her. ''Is she alright? Where is she? Can I see her?'' He rambled. The nurse laughed kindly and nodded. ''Follow me.'' Sherlock nodded enthusiastically and followed her. The nurse opened the door to a room and Sherlock carefully made his way inside. He saw you in a hospital bed, holding a small bundle of pink blankets in your arms. The wide smile on your face lit up Sherlock's entire world. You looked up and saw Sherlock. ''It's a baby girl.'' You whispered as you gestured for Sherlock to come closer. Sherlock slowly walked over to you and the baby. He sat down on a chair next to the bed. ''Do you want to hold your daughter?'' You asked gently, careful not to wake the baby. Sherlock shook his head. ''I don't want to hurt her.'' He whispered, fear in his eyes. ''You won't hurt her, honey.'' You assured. Sherlock shook his head again and slowly backed away. Your heart broke, he was so afraid of hurting his child that he didn't even want to hold her. Sherlock saw the pleading look in your eyes and nodded. He dragged the chair a little closer to the bed and held his arms like you. You smiled and carefully placed the bundle in his arms. Sherlock smiled sweetly and it melted your heart.

The baby's eyes fluttered open and she looked up to her father. She raised her tiny arms and held them up to Sherlock, trying to touch his face. Sherlock smiled and leaned down a little. The baby giggled and touched his nose with her tiny fingers. A single tear rolled down his cheek and you started crying too. ''What's her name?'' He asked softly. ''I haven't named her yet, I wanted you to be here.'' You answered. Sherlock smiled as the baby lowered her arm and yawned. He gently stroked her small nose, causing the baby to giggle sleepily. ''Thank you, (Y/N).'' He said as he looked up to meet your eyes. You nodded and leaned forward to give him a quick kiss on the lips. ''Do you know a name for her?'' He asked you after the two of you broke the kiss. ''I've always loved the name Delilah.'' You replied. Sherlock looked at the small sleeping baby in his arms and nodded. ''Delilah Holmes. I like it.'' He said, smiling. ''Are the others here?'' You asked. ''John, Mary, Mycroft, Molly and Lestrade are here.'' He stood up and put the baby back in your arms. ''I'll go get them.'' He said.

You gently rocked Delilah and smiled at her peaceful sleeping form. Sherlock soon returned with the others and everyone silently stood around your bed. Mary and Molly were crying at the sight of you with the baby and even Lestrade had tears in his eyes. Sherlock cleared his throat and stood next to you. ''Everyone, this is Delilah. The new addition to the Holmes family.'' He announced, smiling proudly. You noticed that Mycroft was staring at the small bundle in your arms, with a look of adoration on his face. That was something you had never seen before. ''Would you like to hold her, Mycroft?'' You asked gently with a wide smile on your face. Mycroft looked at you and nodded. Sherlock carefully took the baby from you again and walked over to his older brother. He placed the small child in Mycroft's arms and took a step back. Sherlock grabbed your hand and pinched it slightly. You looked up and smiled at your loving husband.

You watched as everyone got a chance to hold the small miracle. Sherlock stayed by your side and held your hand the entire time. Exhaustion was finally catching up with you and your eyes fell shut. The smile on your face never left as you started to drift off into a peaceful slumber. 

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