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You're crossing the street, not paying attention to the traffic. Tears are running down your cheeks. You just had one of the biggest fights with your boyfriend Sherlock Holmes and you stormed out so he wouldn't be able to see your tears. You reach the park and let yourself fall onto a bench. You cover your face with your hands and cry even louder. You hear a loud noise and it's starting to rain, you feel even more miserable. He told you that he never wanted to see you again and you yelled the same thing back before running away. You forgot your coat and umbrella and you were shivering. You're used to the coldness of England but not without an umbrella or a coat. It only takes a few minutes before you're completely soaked but you don't care anymore. The rain stopped falling onto you but you could still hear it. You move your hands away from your face and look up. Mycroft Holmes is standing next to the bench, holding his black umbrella above of you and himself. ''Good evening (Y/N).'' He said. You try to say something but you can't say a single word, you just start crying even louder. Mycroft doesn't know what to do, he's never had to comfort a woman before. ''You and Sherlock had an intense argument.'' He deduced. Mycroft places his hand on your soaking wet shoulder in an attempt to comfort you. That makes you smile a bit, you love the awkwardness of the Holmes boys. ''You'll get ill if you stay here. Come I'll take you to my house.'' He said as he took his hand off of your shoulder and pulls you up. He makes sure that you are both underneath the umbrella before leading you to a black car a few blocks away. The chauffeur opens the door for you and you quickly get inside before the rain soaks you even more. Mycroft sits down next to you with his wet umbrella on the floor of the car. ''What was your argument about?'' Mycroft asked you, trying to start a conversation. ''He was doing an experiment and blew up my father's watch.'' You explained. That watch was very expensive and the last thing he gave you before he left 10 years ago. You haven't heard from him since and you don't really want to talk to him ever again but that watch was special to you. Sherlock said that you were stupid because you valued that old watch so much. Mycroft doesn't know what to say and neither do you. The car pulled over and the door opened. You get out of the car and look at the enormous mansion in front of you. It stopped raining but you were cold and wanted to get inside.

You're taking a long warm bath and try to forget the argument. You close your eyes and relax in the warm soapy water. You hear the front door close rather loudly and someone screaming. You get out of the bath and wrap a towel around yourself. You open the door as quietly as possible and listen to the conversation. ''I know she's here Mycroft! She didn't come back last night.'' You heard Sherlock say. ''I'm sorry brother dear but she's not here. Perhaps you should try to call her and ask her where she is.'' Mycroft sounded very calm unlike Sherlock who was boiling with rage and regret. ''SHE LEFT HER PHONE AT THE APARTMENT NOW WHERE IS SHE!'' Sherlock shouted. You held your breath, afraid that he might hear you. You silently walked over to the edge of the stairs. Mycroft did not look impressed with his younger brother. Sherlock was facing the other way and could not see you. ''Please.'' Sherlock said. Your mouth fell open, Sherlock has never begged for anything in his entire life but there he was begging Mycroft to tell him where you are. ''I love her Mycroft. Please tell me.'' Sherlock sounded defeated and miserable, just like you felt. Mycroft looked at you for a few seconds and Sherlock immediately turned around. His eyes were red and his eyes were watery. 'Has he been crying?' You wondered. ''(Y/N).'' He said quietly. You realised that you weren't dressed and quickly got up and ran off to the guest room. Mycroft's assistant brought you some clothes last night. You got dressed and fixed your hair before going back to face Sherlock. You walk down the stairs and you hear Sherlock and Mycroft talking in the kitchen. You take a deep breath and hold back the tears that are forming in your eyes. You walk towards Sherlock and he immediately stops talking. Before you can say anything he takes a small velvet case out of his pocket and goes down on one knee. ''(Y/N) I love you so much and I know that you love me. I mean you have all the signs-'' Mycroft interrupted Sherlock with a very loud and fake cough. ''Oh yes of course you know the signs. Anyways! Will you marry me?'' Sherlock asked hopefully. You stared at Sherlock, not able to say anything. This man was full of surprises and he never failed to amaze you. Sherlock was still on the floor and he looked very uncomfortable. ''(Y/N)?'' He asked softly. You tried to say something but the only sound that came out of your mouth were weird dolphin noises. Sherlock smiled weakly, he was the only consulting detective in the world and he annoyed everyone with his deductions. He tried to deduce your answer but he couldn't. Mycroft was trying to hide his laughter but failed miserably. ''Sherlock, I- I love you. Yes. Yes of course will I marry you!'' You shouted happily, finally able to speak. Sherlock jumped up and slid the ring on your finger before wrapping his strong arms around your waist and kissing you passionately. Mycroft was getting a little uncomfortable and coughed to let you know that he was still there. You pulled away and laughed awkwardly. ''Sorry Mycroft.'' You said.

You and Sherlock were back at your apartment watching crap telly. Sherlock grabbed your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. You chuckled and allowed him to wrap his arms around you. ''Are you still angry?'' He asked. You shook your head and he softly kissed the top of your head. ''I love you.'' He whispered in your ear. You turn your head and look him straight into his eyes. ''I love you too.''


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