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Requested by fangirlfanfic_addict

I hope I lived up to your expectations of this oneshot. I had lots of fun writing this and I hope you all enjoy reading this. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. Please, keep doing that. It fills my heart with joy. And also a huge thank you for nearly 150K reads! I can't believe it! 

Enjoy the rest of your day ♥ 


Walking through the streets of London, you enjoyed the rare, wonderful weather with your guide dog by your side. Sunny weather such like this was very uncommon in England. So, you didn't hesitate a single second when you realised how lovely it was outside. You had called Victor, your guide dog, and together, you went for a walk in the crowded city. You savoured every moment you got to spend outside. You loved the feeling of sunlight on your skin, the soft breeze that enveloped you and the typically polluted smell of London. You enjoyed every bit of it. 

Not being able to see had its disadvantages, but you always focussed on the positive side of it all. Your other senses were heightened and they experienced the world in a way that was most certainly unique. Your high intelligence combined with the stronger senses created your vision. No matter where you were, you were able to 'see'. Pictures formed themselves in your mind as you moved around a particular place. The scent, the sounds, the taste and the feeling that every place possessed had its uniqueness. That's how you were always able to identify where you were, and your estimations were quite exact usually. Impressing people, that's what you loved doing the most. You wanted to prove others that being blind wasn't a disability. No, it was a way to explore the world in a whole different perspective. It was a way to discover in your own personal way. You loved it.

People always underestimated you. They thought that because you were blind they could do anything around you and you wouldn't notice it. Oh, how wrong they were. You might not always notice everything, but you noticed more than people expected you could. It was always great fun when you called them out on something. You couldn't see their surprised faces, but the awkwardness of the silence that followed or the stuttering as they tried to say something in return was amusing enough for you. You went through life with a smile on your face and that was what kept you going at all times. Finding positivity in everything you did and everywhere you went. It was something you thought all people should do. In your opinion, they were the ones with the disability and not you. The things those people saw forced them to be negative the way they were. They couldn't shut down those thoughts, not even for a second because it was evident in their surroundings. They saw all the pain and misery in the world and their lives became a burden instead of a privilege. Of course, you weren't unaware of the things that were going on. But you saw being blind as an advantage. It was how you coped with it and it was what you needed. No one could make you think otherwise. This was your vision and it had been for a very long time. It was what you depended on and you desperately needed it. Or everything would come crashing down at once.

You sighed contently as you held onto Victor's leash tightly. He guided you wherever you needed to be and watched out for the things you couldn't see. You loved him more than anyone else. ''I think we should head back home, Victor.'' You told the guide dog. He barked once, letting you know he understood you and began to guide you home. You fully trusted your dog. He knew all the routes he needed to know and he had never made a mistake once.

Suddenly, you felt a heavy weight crashing into you, causing you to stumble backwards. ''I'm so sorry!'' A male voice apologised. ''My friend is very careless and he doesn't pay attention to who he bumps into. I usually apologise on his behalf.'' You smiled kindly and adjusted your sunglasses. ''It's alright.'' You assured him. ''Your friend should be the one apologising, but I'm glad you're so kind to do it.'' The man in front of you chuckled and you smiled as well. ''My name's John Watson.'' He introduced. ''(Y/F/N).'' You replied. 

''John! What are you doing? We need to move! We can't waste time on this case.'' Another, deeper male voice shouted. ''Who's this?'' You heard him ask. ''This is (Y/N), the woman you so rudely bumped into,'' John stated, clearly annoyed. ''Well, she should have seen me coming and moved. I wouldn't have bumped into her then.'' You bit your lip to fight back the upcoming laughter. You weren't at all offended that he didn't notice you were blind. You saw it as a compliment. ''Sherlock!'' John hissed. ''She's blind, you ignorant jerk.'' You couldn't hold it back any longer and you burst out laughing. ''Oh, this is rich.'' You exclaimed. You could just imagine the look on both of their faces.

''It's okay, Sherlock.'' You assured him. ''I should see it as a compliment. I guess I just function the way people who can see do and that's quite impressive for someone who can't see at all.''

Sherlock was staring at you, mouth agape. He had never met anyone who was so positive and so kind towards others. He had just insulted you and completely ignored you as a human being and you weren't even angry or upset or anything. He truly hadn't noticed you were blind because you did everything other people did. You had impressed him and that wasn't easy. Just another way of proving you were unique and not to be underestimated.

''You're both still there, right?'' You inquired, not sure how to take the lingering silence. ''Uh, yes, we are,'' Sherlock assured you. ''Glad I haven't scared you off.'' You smiled. ''You have done the exact opposite, (Y/N). You should visit us at our flat whenever you have the time.'' Sherlock suggested. ''221B Baker Street. The numbers are on the door, it's hard to miss.'' John sighed in annoyance and punched the detective's shoulder, earning a painful groan. ''Oh, right. You can't, uh, see the numbers. Apologies.'' Sherlock said quickly. ''It's alright.'' You laughed. ''I'll see you two soon then.'' You stated. You checked if Victor was still with you and then proceeded your journey home.

As you walked away you could hear the faint conversation John and Sherlock had. ''Why didn't you punch her when she said 'I'll see you two soon then'?'' Sherlock huffed. ''Because she's the one who's blind, Sherlock!'' John shot back. You chuckled to yourself, enjoying their conversation and obvious annoyance. You kept listening as their voices started becoming whispers and soon they disappeared completely. You were definitely visiting Baker Street soon. 

Sherlock Imagines and PreferencesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin