So Close

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Requested by XcrazywriterXD

I hope you all like it! Let me know in the comments what you think. I love you all ♥


Through dark and light, I fight to be

So close

Shadows and lies mask you from me

So close

It was time. You were always bad with changes, especially big ones. But sometimes it was exactly what someone needed and that was the case for you now. You couldn't stay. It hurt so much to stay. When you were younger, your parents taught you love was a good thing. Love was something everyone would find at some point in their lives. It was a magical thing, at least according to your parents. 

You had come to realise they were wrong. So very wrong. Love wasn't an amazing thing that could ease your pain. No, it was what caused pain. After months of being in love with a man who would never love you back, you finally realised why they called it a crush. It described how someone felt when the feelings weren't mutual. When you moved to London, you imagined the perfect life for yourself. You'd got an amazing job that you had dreamt off for so long. Everything was going according to the plan you had set out for yourself. Until you met him. Sherlock Holmes, the high-functioning sociopath. In other words, someone who was incapable of love and other emotions. And, of course, being the naïve woman you could be sometimes, you chose him to fall for. You tried stopping yourself, but it was just so tempting. You had believed the story your parents had told you numerous times. Love was a good thing, love was amazing, so you let yourself fall in love in the hope that he would do the same. You ignored the warnings of people like Sally Donovan and you let your stupid brain develop feelings for a cold, distant man. 

There were many days where you wondered how someone could possibly fall in love with a man like him. He was rude, ignorant, blunt and... simply irresistible. His bad qualities weren't the ones that stood out whenever you saw him or thought about him. The good qualities, his passion for his job and his music, the kindness that he tried to hide, his astonishing brain, were the ones that attracted you to him. In your eyes, he was perfect. You let him call you names, you let him treat you badly because your feelings clouded your judgement. It hurt, but if it meant staying around him, you'd do it. But not anymore. You were fed up with the pain that love was causing you.

Your suitcase trailed behind you as you walked to the correct gate, leaving London behind you forever. You absolutely adored the city and you didn't want to leave, but it was the only thing that would help. You doubted you'd ever be able to get over him, to forget about your feelings for him, but it was worth a try. You didn't want to suffer the way you did. And maybe, just maybe, there was someone out there for you who'd make your parents' statement true. Someone who could show you how amazing love could be.

Bathe my skin, the darkness within

So close

The war of our lives no one can win

John entered his flat, wiping the tears from his eyes. ''Why are you crying?'' Sherlock inquired, not knowing what had caused his flatmate's emotional pain. ''Seriously, Sherlock!'' John snapped. ''You're so ignorant sometimes! I can't believe you haven't noticed.'' He collapsed in his chair. ''What are you talking about?'' Sherlock wondered, hurt by his words. ''(Y/N), you idiot! She is gone and you didn't even bother to say goodbye.'' Sherlock jumped up, his facial expression screaming pure fear. ''Gone? What do you mean gone? Where is she? Why is she gone?'' He rambled. ''Oh, now you care.'' John huffed. ''Just tell me, John!'' Sherlock yelled frantically. ''She's leaving London, Sherlock. Because of you. She's going back to her home town and she's not ever coming back.'' The ex-army doctor sniffed, tears spilling again. You were one of his best friends and he hated seeing you so leave, he understood though. ''Because of me?'' Sherlock asked softly, pain evident in his eyes. ''She loves you, Sherlock. And you have treated her awfully! She couldn't take it anymore.'' The detective's eyes widened as everything started to fall into place. The signs, they were so evident. How did he not see them before? ''She loves me.'' He repeated to himself. A huge smile displayed itself on his face. Leaping forward, he grabbed John's shoulders, looking him in his eyes. ''Where is she?'' He demanded. ''T-The airport. Her flight leaves in an hour.'' John stuttered, slightly surprised by his flatmate's behaviour. Sherlock didn't waste a single moment. He stormed out of the flat, forgetting his coat and scarf. John called after him, but the detective's mind was only on one person. You.

The missing piece I yearn to find

So close

Please clear the anguish from my mind

So close

He loved you. He loved you so, so much, but he never knew how to express his feelings. It hurt him when John told him why you were leaving. Had he really hurt you so much? There was no time to think of that. He had to focus on finding you before you got on that plane. He had to stop you. You couldn't leave him, he didn't know what he'd do without you. You were the light in a world of darkness, offering Sherlock your help whenever he needed it. You were always there for him and now, he wanted to be there for you as well. Sentiment. It was such a weird feeling and often painful, but the detective didn't want the feeling to go away. At first, he despised it, but then you came around and changed everything! He needed you.

But when my truth of you comes clear

So close

I wish my life, I never come near

So close

Sherlock checked every screen, searching for your flight. It didn't take long before he found what gate you were at. He immediately started running to get there in time, not caring about other people who were staring at him oddly. The only thing that mattered to him now was finding you and begging you to stay. He reached the gate you were supposed to be at and frantically looked around, trying to find you. He soon spotted you standing in line to board the plane. He could not let that happen.

''(Y/N)!'' He shouted. At hearing your name being called, you turned around, trying to find the source. Your eyes soon met his. He rushed over to you, pulling you out of the queue. ''Sherlock, wh-what are you—'' His lips crashed on yours, stopping you mid-sentence. You were surprised, but instantly kissed him back. It was like fireworks exploded everywhere around the two of you as you shared the most passionate kiss anyone had ever seen. People around you cheered and clapped. 

Sherlock pulled away to breathe, looking down at you with the biggest grin you had ever seen him pull. ''I d-don't understand.'' You managed to stutter out. ''Let me clarify it then.'' He decided, pulling you in for another kiss. ''I love you.'' He confessed, lips brushing against yours. Your eyes widened and you smiled widely. ''You do? But all those things you said...'' You couldn't finish your sentence. His eyes were so captivating and enchanting. You smiled even wider and kissed him again, pouring every emotion you had felt in it. ''I love you, too.'' You breathed, having pulled away. ''Stay, please,'' Sherlock begged. You nodded. ''Of course.'' 

Your parents had been right all along. It took you a while to realise that, but now that you had, you would never question them again. Love truly was amazing. 

 Through dark and light, I fight to be

So close

Shadows and lies mask you from me

Sherlock Imagines and PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang