Many Apologies

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It was getting dark outside but you didn't want to go back to Baker Street. You were sitting on a bench in a park. You didn't exactly know where you were, all you knew that it wasn't close to anyone that you knew. You sobbed quietly as the sun disappeared and made room for the moon. You wrapped your coat tighter around yourself in an attempt to keep you warm. You shivered as the cold air hit your tear stained face. You missed the warmth that 221B provided, you missed the lovely music that Sherlock played, you missed every single thing about that place. But you couldn't go back. Sherlock didn't love you anymore, you weren't important to him. Perhaps, you never were. You pulled the collar of your coat up to stop the wind from hitting your face as you started to cry again. The pain of heartbreak was worse than any other pain that you had ever felt and you wanted it to stop. You didn't want to feel the pain anymore. Perhaps falling in love with Sherlock Holmes was a mistake to begin with. It had caused you a lot of happiness but also a lot of pain and it had left you broken. A broken heart is difficult to repair. It's shattered into millions of pieces and it takes a lot of effort to put them all back together. It's safe to say that it just can't be done. Once it's broken, it stays broken. Forever.

A deep voice interrupted your train of thought. You looked up and faced the man who was responsible for your pain. His eyes were red and puffy, his face was also stained with tears. He had a desperate look in his eyes, a look that changed to guilt when he realised how much pain he had caused you. ''(Y/N).'' He said, his voice breaking as he spoke. He didn't know what to say. He knew that what he had said, was unforgiveable. He couldn't even imagine that you'd be able to forgive him. ''Go away, Sherlock.'' You said, your voice hoarse from crying. He shook his head and took a few steps closer to you. ''I know that what I said was unforgiveable and I realise now how much it hurt you, but I didn't mean a single word of it. I was angry and frustrated because I couldn't solve the case. I took you for granted, (Y/N), and I will never do that again. I love you more than anything else in the world. I know that I hurt you and I can't guarantee that I won't ever do that again. But I promise you, I will always love you and I will always try my hardest to make it up to you.'' The look in his eyes and the sincerity in his words, made you want to jump up and run into his arms, kissing him until your lips were too sore to ever kiss him again. But you didn't. You just couldn't. Not everything can be fixed with an apology. Not everything can be fixed with a speech and a promise of eternal love. Some things are not meant to happen and your relationship with Sherlock was one of those things. ''Goodbye, Sherlock.''


It had been a week since you had the argument with Mycroft and left. You were currently staying on the couch in 221B. You had nowhere else to go and John and Sherlock didn't hesitate a single second to welcome you in their flat. Sherlock was beyond angry with his older brother, he had no right to treat you like that. You weren't angry anymore, you were heartbroken. Mycroft hadn't even tried to reach out to you and apologise. He could just be giving you the space that you needed, or he just didn't care about you. Thinking about Mycroft hating you, caused the tears to start flowing again. You buried your face in your hands and sobbed into them. Sherlock heard you crying and opened his eyes. ''(Y/N), my brother is not worth your tears.'' He said. You shook your head and didn't even try to stop the tears from flowing.

The door busted open and your head shot up. ''Get out!'' Sherlock shouted. He got up and tried to close the door but Mycroft was determined to speak to you. ''Sherlock, get out of my way!'' Mycroft commanded. He pushed his little brother aside and rushed over to you. You had hid your face from his view and remained quiet, you did not wish to see him. ''(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I was tired and I didn't mean what I said. I love you so much. Please, (Y/N), forgive me.'' He begged. He carefully removed your hands from your face. Your watery eyes stared right into his and Mycroft finally realised how much he had hurt you. ''Oh, Darling.'' He said, his voice cracking ever so slightly. ''I am so sorry. I should have realised how miserable you were with me, I should have realised that you were no longer happy. Allow me to make it up to you, my love, I'm begging you.'' Tears started to roll down his cheeks as he gently cupped your face with both hands and wiped your tears away. Your bottom lip quivered as you looked into your husband's eyes. You had never seen so much emotion and sincerity in them. The words that Mycroft had spoken a week ago, were long forgotten and you finally realised how much you missed being with him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder. ''I missed you so much.'' You sobbed. Mycroft wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tightly against him, burying his nose in your hair. ''I missed you too, Darling.'' He said, tears escaping from his eyes. ''I'm going to take two weeks off and we'll spend every single minute of my free time together. I want you to be happy and I want you to be happy with me. Forgive me, please.'' You nodded as you held onto his coat as if your life depended on it. Sherlock cleared his throat and you and Mycroft turned to look at him, still holding each other tightly. ''Thank you for taking care of her, brother dear.'' Mycroft whispered. Sherlock was a little stunned, he had never seen his older brother cry before. ''N-No problem. Just uh don't hurt her again, okay?'' He stuttered. Mycroft nodded and stood up, helping you up as well. ''Let's go home, my dearest.''

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