Stone Cold~Part 2.

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So many of you have requested a part 2, so here it is! I hope you all like it ♥

You were fighting an internal battle with yourself. You had received a letter from Lestrade, saying he needed you back in London. Things weren't the same in London since you had left several months ago according to your previous boss. The crime rate in London was higher than ever and the employees of Scotland Yard needed your help. You were the best sergeant they ever had.

Not only Scotland Yard was having trouble dealing with your departure, so was Sherlock Holmes, but that was never mentioned in the letter. Lestrade wanted you back, he needed you back. And for some unknown reason, you decided to go back to London and live your old life again. You didn't understand why you made this decision, it would probably turn out horribly, but you felt obligated to help your old friends in difficult times like these.


You unlocked the door of your old flat. Everything was still how you left it, to your surprise. You got settled and immediately headed to work. You didn't bother visiting the people you had left behind, especially not Sherlock. You were scared it would send you spiralling back into your old life. You didn't want to feel like that anymore. Besides, you felt no need to see Sherlock kissing another woman. Your feelings for Sherlock had not subsided like you had hoped they would.

But things weren't like you thought. Sherlock and Molly had broken up. Sherlock had realised that his feelings for you were more than just friendship. He started missing you and he went back to acting like an emotionless sociopath and took your missing presence out on Molly. He didn't treat her right and Molly, however shy she may seem, was not willing to accept that, so she left him. Sherlock was left alone and that played a big part in him becoming addicted to drugs again. He had spiralled out of control and was in need of help, but no one, not even John Watson, knew of his situation. He had locked himself up in his flat and never spoke to anyone. You were completely unaware of this. Until one day Lestrade asked you to go to his flat and offer him a case.

You weren't ready to see Sherlock. You had no idea that he had broken up with Molly. In your mind, she was still the one he loved and you didn't want to feel the pain of rejection again. You were doing fine on your own, not having to see them kiss or touch. You truly didn't want to go to 221B and face the lovebirds, but Lestrade really needed his help. You decided to toughen up and face the consulting detective you had been deliberately avoiding for months. It was time to face your demons.

You walked up the stairs leading to 221B and knocked on the door three times. Your hands were shaking and your heart was pounding in your chest as you waited for the door to be opened. 

But it remained closed. 

You knocked again, and when there was no response for the second time, you decided to let yourself in. You took a bobby pin from your hair and picked the lock. The door opened with a click and you entered the flat. You gasped as you saw the scene in front of you. Books were scattered on the floor, the bookcase had been destroyed, the walls had more bullet holes in them than ever before. The whole flat was a mess. You began to wander around the destroyed flat in an attempt to find the consulting detective and figure out what exactly had happened. You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw a piece of paper on the desk. It was a note from Sherlock.

'To the person who found this note.' It read. 'When you read this, chances are I'm already dead. I have no motivation to stay alive. The drugs have consumed my mind and rational thinking is nearly impossible. If you can find her, tell (Y/N) that I'm sorry. I should have realised how she felt about me. The truth is, I was too afraid to see it. But I know now that she should've been the one I ended up with, not Molly Hooper. I acknowledge my mistake and feel incredibly guilty for being the reason of why she left us all. I no longer want to carry the heaviness of this guilt, my addictions and the rejection. Goodbye, my friends. – SH.'

Tears were streaming down your face as you closed your eyes, thinking of places where Sherlock could be at that very moment. Maybe it wasn't too late yet. Your eyes snapped open when you finally realised how he was going to kill himself, if he hadn't already. He had done it that way before.

You rushed out of the flat, hailing a cab and barking the address to the cabbie. You arrived at the hospital in no time. You looked up and saw the consulting detective, the one you loved more than anyone else standing on the edge of the rooftop. You shouted his name, but he either didn't hear it or chose to ignore you. You held back tears as you ran up the endless amount of stairs until you finally arrived on top of the roof.

''Sherlock!'' You shouted again. The detective turned around and faced you, eyes red and puffy from crying. He was scared. ''What are you doing here?'' He asked hoarsely. ''I'm back and I'm not leaving again.'' You answered. ''Please, Sherlock, step away from the edge. You can't kill yourself. Don't hurt me like that, please.'' You begged. Sherlock began to shake and tears spilled from his eyes. You had never seen him like this and it scared you. You reached your hand out towards him, begging him with your eyes to take it. ''Please.'' You whispered, tears rolling down your cheeks.

Sherlock grabbed your hand and you pulled him away from the edge. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him as tightly as you could, never wanting to let him go. Sherlock didn't hesitate a single second before crashing his lips on yours, cupping your face with his hands. You instantly kissed him back.

The kiss was more emotional than you would ever be able to comprehend. All the pain, the sorrow, the happiness and the love were put in that kiss. It seemed like time froze for just a few moments.

You eventually pulled back to breathe and stared at the consulting detective. ''I love you so much.'' You breathed. Sherlock smiled slightly, the sadness still evident in his eyes. ''I love you, too. Never leave me again.'' He wrapped his arms around you and you stood on the rooftop for what seemed like hours, hugging and crying. But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered besides the love you felt for the sociopath. You had found each other and you were going to get through everything that life threw at you.

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